~*Monthly Special*~
Personalized Guided Meditation
Channeled especially for you, designed to help you move through your current challenge
Investment: $95.00
Recent Blog Posts:
* Blessed Solstice
Links I've posted recently:
* Ancient Syriac Bible Found
* Megyn Kelly is right. Her Christ is white
* 10 Foods That Fight Inflammation
* Scientists Discover Double Meaning in Genetic Code
* More Evidence for Ancient Life on Mars
* Simulations Back Up the Theory that the Universe is a Hologram
* Billy Jack passes away
* How Best to Take Breaks
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The end of 2013 has particularly heavy for a lot of people. If you are feeling weighed down, despondent, broadsided, or alone, please know that it isn't just you.
The theme for 2014 is about personal responsibility. In order to move into a space where we are allowing those around us to take responsibility for their own lives, we need to stop processing for them. The transition from one paradigm to the other may mean having to get fed up with how we've been doing things, or even fed up with those around us, so that we stop usurping their responsibility.
The good news is that, once we have stopped making ourselves responsible for others, and allow them to have their own process, we are fully empowered to take out gifts and our skills out into the community, empowered and radiant.
Those who have chosen to be lightworkers, in all of your various forms, will complete this process, most likely in the first quarter of the coming year. It is up to you whether you do it the easy way or the hard way. In this case, the easy way requires conscious effort, but is infinitely more comfortable than going through the process unconsciously.
Grounding, breathwork, and mindfulness are your strongest tools in this endeavor. Grounding allows you to be present to the now. Being present affords you the opportunity to be in acceptance of what is. Slow, deep, measured breathing will also help you be in acceptance. When you are in acceptance of what is, you can start to create change; up until that point, any changes you attempt will be changes to illusion, and would be a waste of time.
Mindfulness means paying attention to your thoughts without participating in them, being aware of the chemical reactions in your body (which create feelings), and of the judgments and decisions you make about those feelings, which lead to the stories you tell yourself about what's going on (bringing you into illusion). When you may attention, when you watch the patterns and the process, it becomes easier to simply allow yourself to have the feelings without feeling the need to "interpret" them. Then you get to just be present.
It is from this space that it gets easier to accept that people are as they are, and allow them to have their process as well, without feeling the need to fix them or change their experience. You get to bring the focus back on you, back on owning your own life and being an empowered co-creator.
If you are feeling challenged in this regard, consider commissioning a personalized guided meditation (my monthly special). This is not something I offer year round; Spirit has asked me to make these available to you at this time, to help you move through your challenges more effectively.
You are the Light of the World!
Upcoming Classes & Appearances
Please call ahead and reserve your space with the venue as early as possible, or the class you want to attend may no longer exist.
Please note: I will no longer be doing regularly scheduled Office Hours at The Crystal Matrix. Please contact me for an appointment. I will be available at The Healing Light Resource Center in Canyon Country on the second Wednesday of the month (with a few exceptions) - appointments for these time slots are required, please call (661) 252-4103.
Readings: 15 minutes for $28, 30 minutes for $45, 45 minutes for $60, 60 minutes for $75
Healings: $125 |
A Shaman's Work
Matrix International University | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
On hold for the first trimester of 2014 |
Wednesday | January 1st |
7:00pm |
New Moon Gathering
private residence, 6744 Saint Clair Avenue, North Hollywood, CA
We gather every month to set our intention for the coming cycle. Potluck feast follows the ritual/meditation. Please bring a wheat-free dish to share. You may also bring firewood and a camp chair. If you'd like to take the energy home with you, bring a seven day (in glass) candle as well! Please RSVP in advance. |
$15 donation requested |
Tuesday | January 7th |
7:30pm |
First Quarter Teaching (informal)
private residence, Northridge CA
A less formal teaching than a traditional classroom setting. We'll start with a guided journey to connect you with your own guidance, so please arrive on time. The journey will be followed by free form discussion on the current energies, as well as any other questions of a metaphysical bent that you might have. Bring food to share (wheat-free preferred). |
$15 donation requested |
Wednesday | January 8th |
7:00pm |
Introduction to Kabbalah
Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center 27225 Camp Plenty Road, Santa Clarita, California 91351 | (661) 252-4103
This presentation will introduce some basic Kabbalistic concepts and will teach three basic tools that can change your life. If there is enough interest, this will be the foundation for a year-long monthly class on the Tree of Life, the glyph or symbol that is the structure for teachings on Kabbalah, but is an excellent standalone class for the curious. |
$15 |
Friday | January 17th |
12:00pm |
Labyrinth Walk
Forest Lawn Memorial Park - Glendale 1712 S Glendale Ave, Glendale, CA 91205 ask at the gate for directions to the labyrinth
The labyrinth is a walking meditation whose roots extend deep into prehistory and transcend geographic and cultural boundaries. It has been said to be the manifestation of the collective unconsciousness. People walk the labyrinth for insight, for growth, and even to manifest world peace. |
by donation |
Wednesday | January 22nd |
7:30pm |
Singing Bowl Meditation
Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center 27225 Camp Plenty Road, Santa Clarita, California 91351 | (661) 252-4103
A Singing Bowl Meditation is a powerful way to bring your body to a state of calm using crystal singing bowls as the conduit. During the meditation, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls are played while we sit or lie in meditative bliss. The sound floods us with ethereal vibrations which deepen our meditation and connection with All. |
$20 |
Saturday | January 25th |
2:00pm |
Becoming the Goddess Empowerment Workshop
The Crystal Matrix Center 3215 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90039 | (323) 644-7625
While this workshop focuses on Goddess archetypes, it is open to all gender identifications, because we could all use a little more flexible power in our lives. Drawing on Abrahamic and Goddess traditions, we will be creating a personal affirmation of empowerment that has helped people get out of abusive relationships, overcome social anxiety, and create real, tangible change in their lives. |
$33 |
Thursday | January 30th |
7:00pm |
New Moon Gathering & Chinese New Year Celebration
private residence, 900 N Mentor Ave, Pasadena, CA
Every month, we gather on the New Moon to set our intention for the cycle ahead. Themes are based on the energy of the planet. This is the Chinese New Year. Help us welcome the Year of the Wind Horse! Potluck follows the journey/ritual (please bring a protein-based or wheat-free dish if at all possible). Feel free to bring a camp chair, 7 day candles, and some firewood. |
$15 donation requested |