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Recent Blog Posts:
* My Work in the Dreamtime
* Midway-ish into the Shift
* Water Water Everywhere, Taking Us Into The Shadows
* Shift! in 3... 2... 1...
* Spiritual Depression
Links I've posted recently:
* The Courage to Not Be Offended
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Well! We've make it through Mercury Retrograde, a Grand Sextile, and a major shift in energies (and it's okay if none of that made any sense to you; just know that things are different now). How's everyone doing? Still have all your fingers and toes?
Do your best, over the next 3 weeks, to drop all your expectations. *laughs uproariously* No really, it would be helpful. If that's too much, and I know it really is for most people, work on becoming aware of your expectations. Know that when you are walking into a situation, that you are expecting X, Y, and Z to happen. Once you know what it is you are expecting, you can allow for other possibilities. It's amazing how much we really program our reality through the limiting force of our expectations.
If you'd like to re-align yourself, so that the new reality works better for you, make sure you're doing partial "sun salutations" every morning, bringing the energy of the sun down into your heart, the moon into your navel, and the center of the milky way all the way down into your feet. It is also helpful, once you've done that, to bring the energy of Sirius down into your third eye, your throat, and the base of your spine.
If you'd like more help, and you're local, make an appointment and come see me, we'll get you tuned up! I will also be up in the Cambria area and possibly San Francisco in October, and back east in November. More information below in my listing of upcoming events.
Remember, you are the Light of the World!
Upcoming Classes & Appearances
Thursdays | 8/1-8/15 |
1:30-6:00pm |
Private Sessions
The Crystal Matrix | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
Readings: 15 minutes for $28, 30 minutes for $45, 45 minutes for $60, 60 minutes for $75
Healings: $125 |
Advance reservations strongly recommended |
Sundays in August |
2:30-3:30pm |
Healthy Cooking
Matrix International University | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
August 4 - Vibrant Juice, Vibrant Health part 1 August 11 - Gluten Free Cooking part 1 August 18 - Gluten Free Cooking part 2 August 25 - Vibrant Juice, Vibrant Health part 2 |
$27 each segment, $5 materials fee per segment |
Sunday | August 4 |
2:30-4:30pm |
A Shaman's Work
Matrix International University | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
Last class of the trimester, next series begins October 6th |
$54 |
Tuesday | August 6 |
8:00pm |
New Moon Gathering
private residence, Northridge
We gather every month to set our intention for the coming cycle. Potluck feast follows the ritual/meditation. Please bring a wheat-free dish to share. You may also bring firewood and a camp chair. If you'd like to take the energy home with you, bring a seven day (in glass) candle as well! |
$15 donation requested |
Thursday | August 8 |
7:30pm |
Experiential Kabbalah
private residence, Northridge
Learn about the Tree of Life and the practice and philosophy of Kabbalah in multiple traditions, as well as go through a real and measurable personal growth spurt in your emotions, mental faculties, and spiritual being. We will be looking at correspondences, doing rituals, and working through our personal, individual blocks. Each student is asked to create goals for themselves at the beginning of the series so that they can measure their progress. Please bring a protein-based potluck snack to share. (ongoing class) |
$25 |
Monday | August 12 |
7:30-9:30pm |
Becoming the Goddess Empowerment Workshop
The Crystal Matrix | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
Drawing on Abrahamic and Goddess traditions, we will be creating a personal affirmation of empowerment that has helped people get out of abusive relationships, overcome social anxiety, and create real, tangible change in their lives. |
$40 |
Tuesday | August 13 |
7:00pm |
First Quarter Teaching
private residence, Northridge
Bring food to share (wheat-free preferred). Ayamanatara will address topics ranging from the current energies to sacred texts to tools & techniques for personal practice. Bring your questions we'll try to get to everyone. |
$15 donation requested |
Wednesday | August 14 |
2:30-5:30pm |
Healing Light Resource Center | 27225 Camp Plenty Road | Santa Clarita | 661-252-4103
15 minutes for $28, 30 minutes for $45, 45 minutes for $60, 60 minutes for $75 |
advance reservations are vital |
Wednesday | August 14 |
7:00pm |
Animal Totems
Healing Light Resource Center | 27225 Camp Plenty Road | Santa Clarita | 661-252-4103
Animals and Animal Spirits act as messengers in our lives. Sometimes, they even lend us their medicine or power. Learn what your main animal totem is, what that means, and how to access its power, as well as how to interpret the animal messengers that come into your everyday life. |
$33 |
Ayamanatara will be unavailable 8/22-9/4 |
Thursdays | 9/5-10/31 |
1:30-6:00pm |
Private Sessions
The Crystal Matrix | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
Readings: 15 minutes for $28, 30 minutes for $45, 45 minutes for $60, 60 minutes for $75
Healings: $125 |
advance reservations strongly recommended |
Friday | September 6 |
8:00pm |
New Moon Gathering
We gather every month to set our intention for the coming cycle. Potluck feast follows the ritual/meditation. Please bring a wheat-free dish to share. You may also bring firewood and a camp chair. If you'd like to take the energy home with you, bring a seven day (in glass) candle as well! |
$15 donation requested |
Sunday | September 8 |
12:30-5:30pm |
Psychic Faire
The Crystal Matrix | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
Appointments strongly recommended |
$1/minute (20 minute minimum, 30 minute max) |
Alternating Mondays | 9/9-11/4 |
7:30-9:00pm |
Psychic Protection
Matrix International University | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
This practical, hands-on course is for the person wanting to lighten their load. You will learn a variety of ways to clear your aura and clear a space of unwanted "goobers" - things that go bump in the night... psychic vampires... unwanted attachments and disembodied entities. And the student will learn how to release these (and more) with love and total empowerment. During this course you will learn to make protection grids and learn how to use grids for clearing space and correcting stagnant feng shui. This course will help you leave your unwanted "friends" behind. |
$216 registration closes 9/2 |
Wednesday | September 11 |
2:30-5:30pm |
Healing Light Resource Center | 27225 Camp Plenty Road | Santa Clarita | 661-252-4103
15 minutes for $28, 30 minutes for $45, 45 minutes for $60, 60 minutes for $75 |
advance reservations are vital |
Wednesday | September 11 |
7:00pm |
Life Affirmation Singing Bowl Meditation
Healing Light Resource Center | 27225 Camp Plenty Road | Santa Clarita | 661-252-4103
Join Ayamanatara for a life-affirming meditation with singing bowls. |
$20 |
Thursday | September 12 |
7:30pm |
Experiential Kabbalah
private residence, Northridge
Learn about the Tree of Life and the practice and philosophy of Kabbalah in multiple traditions, as well as go through a real and measurable personal growth spurt in your emotions, mental faculties, and spiritual being. We will be looking at correspondences, doing rituals, and working through our personal, individual blocks. Each student is asked to create goals for themselves at the beginning of the series so that they can measure their progress. Please bring a protein-based potluck snack to share. (ongoing class) |
$25 |
Friday | September 13 |
7:30pm |
First Quarter Teaching
private residence, Northridge
Bring food to share (wheat-free preferred). Ayamanatara will address topics ranging from the current energies to sacred texts to tools & techniques for personal practice. Bring your questions we'll try to get to everyone. |
$15 donation requested |
Saturday & Sunday | September 14-15 |
10:30am-6:00pm |
Getting Back to Faery: A Step-by-Step Workshop in Reconnection
The Crystal Matrix | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
Through the recent discovery of a stone library, we now know exactly what steps to take to help us get back to a place where we live in conscious harmony with the Fae. Please join Ayamanatara for a workshop filled with step-by-step instructions on reconnecting to nature, each other, and ourselves. |
$144 ($132 if paid in full by 8/31/13) |
Alternating Tuesdays | 9/17-10/29 |
7:30-9:30pm |
Altars: Creation and Application
Matrix International University | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
An altar assists us in creating focus for working with Spirit Teachers, creating a special place for a "wish-board," or honoring a departed loved one. Holding the four elements [and sometimes five] an altar calls forth the power of the earthly elements to set a dialogue with the power of the devic and heavenly realms. Students will be shown how the create altars and how to wake them up. co-taught with Patricia A Bankins |
$216 registration closes 9/10 |
Saturday | September 28 |
by appointment |
Private Sessions
The Crystal Matrix | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Los Angeles | 323-644-7625
Please contact Ayamanatara for details |
Saturday | October 12 |
by appointment |
Private Sessions
Morro Bay
please contact Ayamanatara at least 1 week in advance for details |
Saturday | October 12 |
1:00pm |
The Emotional Root Cause of Disease
Morro Bay | Please RSVP to 805-772-1100
From a Shamanic point of view, every physical ailment has an emotional root cause. Illness itself is viewed as an imbalance created by separation of body from spirit. The separation is experienced first and foremost as an emotion but, if not processed correctly (what is to say, if balance is not restored), the imbalance will become "louder" and begin to manifest on a physical level within the body in order to get your attention. While this will sometimes cause an injury, for the purposes of this workshop, we will be focusing on illness. The body itself, and how you perceive the illness, gives you many clues, both about the underlying emotions and how to process them in order to restore balance. We will be looking at some of the most common correlations between emotion and physical ailments, as well as how to process those emotions in a healthy way to restore balance and create a space for long-term healing. |
$40 or sign up for the Singing Bowl meditation too for a combined investment of only $50 |
Saturday | October 12 |
5:00pm |
Singing Bowl Meditation
Morro Bay | Please RSVP to 805-772-1100
A Singing Bowl Meditation is a powerful way to bring your body to a state of calm using crystal singing bowls as the conduit. During the meditation, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls are played while we sit or lie in meditative bliss. The sound floods us with ethereal vibrations which deepen our meditation and connection with All. In addition to promoting overall relaxation, increasing resistance to stress, boosting energy levels, alleviating psychosomatic pain, lessening depression and improving digestion, this practice re-balances the autonomic nervous system, and brings the body, mind and spirit to a state of equilibrium. |
$20 or sign up for the Emotional Root Cause of Disease too for a combined investment of only $50 |