Working with Guidance

This course will introduce the student to basic trance mediumship and working with Guidance, as well as protecting themselves from unwanted influence. It combines techniques from Shamanism, Gnosticism, and the Delphic Tradition, and is open to students of all levels.

Class topics and exercises include:
meet your Gatekeeper;
taking responsibility for your own protection;
moving your energy around with purpose;
focused astral travel;
meet your spiritual entourage;
ascertain which teacher or guide will be working with you for this class;
getting comfortable with your spirit teacher’s energy;
introduction to co-residency,
automatic writing, and
trance channeling.

This is the first time I will be teaching this class since 2017.

Tuesdays 4/30/24 – 7/30/24
7:00-9pm Pacific
audit price and early registration discounts available