As per SpaceWeather: Sunspot AR3664 just unleashed the strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle–an X8.7-category blast from beyond the sun’s western limb. X marks the spot in this image of the flare from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. Because the sunspot is behind the edge of the solar disk, the flare was partially eclipsed….
Tag: solar storm
Solar storm alert
As per SpaceWeatherToday, the sun unleashed one of the biggest solar flares in years, a X3.4-class explosion from behind the sun’s southwestern limb. Solar protons energized by the flare are now raining down on Earth’s atmosphere, causing polar shortwave radio blackouts and other effects. The intensifying radiation storm could last for days. GroundBreatheLots of waterGentle…
Solar activity incoming!
From SpaceWeather: “One of the biggest sunspots in years has just rotated over the sun’s northeastern limb. AR3112 has a mixed-polarity magnetic field that harbors energy for strong X-class solar flares. The appearance of this dangerous sunspot could herald two weeks of high solar activity as it transits the Earth-facing side of the sun.” From…
The April 25th X-Class Solar Flare
Solar flare alert! On April 25th, an active region near the sun’s western limb erupted, producing an impulsive X-class solar flare. A pulse of extreme UV radiation from the flare ionized Earth’s upper atmosphere and caused a shortwave radio blackout on the dayside of Earth. However, a CME hurled into space by the explosion will…