Pattern Recognition

This is the introduction from my recent Emotions & Ailments Workshop, and I felt like it should be shared to a wider audience, because it speaks to the foundations of so many things that I do. The audio has more information that the teaching notes below, but some people prefer the written word to listening…

[Monday Message] Letting Go of Past Patterns

We all have patterns. Once we become aware of them, they annoy us (or traumatize us, or make us feel poorly about ourselves). We seem to be having the same boss/roommate/partner over and over and over again. Newsflash: The Universe is not doing this TO you. If you’re going to attribute it to the Universe…

[Monday Message] The Truth About Challenges

As you walk this journey, you will come up against challenges, difficulties, and times when you want to turn back. Part of this is simply life, although your perspective has a lot to do with your experience. You can always choose to see your challenges, problems as difficulties simply as Situations Which Require Your Attention,…