I’ve been talking a lot about the current energies in my weekly forecasts on Patreon, and in my moon observances (New Moon Ritual Meditation, Shamanic Journey, and Full Moon Goddess Circle), but I keep neglecting to come over here to the blog and tell you about them. I dictated this very long post the other…
Tag: equality
What in the World: more on Sacred Math and effecting positive change
In this episode, we talk Sacred Math (again); The Melchizedek Collective; the energy of language; and effecting positive change… mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have, and any other esoteric mysteries that catch our fancy. Ayamanatara…
Equal Footing
Legends, mythology, and stories abound with people giving up their worldly possessions on the path to enlightenment. I think a lot of people don’t really get what that’s about. I’m not sure I did until recently. Maybe I still don’t, but I have a different perspective on it today. One of my guides is someone…