[Monday Message] Creating or Smashing Limitations

Limitations are a funny thing. You are the co-creator of your reality, of your life, of your Universe – did you know that? As such, you are capable of limiting yourself in innumerable ways. Examples: On a purely practical level, when you believe you have limitations, you limit yourself, because you are operating on that…

[Monday Message] Building Your Support Network

With a nod to John Donne, no human is an island, we do not exist alone, life is a team sport. We all must needs support each other. The OED defines support as “1. Carry part of the weight of, hold up, keep from falling or sinking. 2. Enable to last out, keep from falling,…

Mercury has gone Retrograde… Again

Mercury Retrograde. Everything s-l-o-w-s down and moves like molasses. Just breathe, accept that this is your chance to think (and rethink) before you act or speak, and that the world is just not going to move at its usual speed.

[Monday Message] Do it differently

The only constant is change. May of us do not like chaos, but chaos is inherent in creation, all creativity comes from chaos. It is the burst of energy that gives the impulse of Spirit to life. When we give in to the ego attachment to stasis, we are willing the Universe to cease to…

[Monday Message] Practice makes perfect

Spiritual practice implies action; practice is a verb as well as a noun. Sitting around and talking about it is merely philosophy, which is nice, but doesn’t get you anywhere until put into practice. Practice also implies that we’re not going to be doing it perfectly any time soon. Lama Khemsar Rinpoche has been known…