[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Upper Heart

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the sixth one, on the Upper Heart Chakra. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks!…

Blessed Winter Solstice

“The Green Man” (William Anderson) Like antlers, like veins of the brain the branches Mark patterns of mind on the red winter sky; ‘I am thought of all plants,’ says the Green Man, ‘I am thought of all plants,’ says he. The hungry birds harry the last berries of rowan But white is her bark…

[Monday Message] Releasing the Illusion of Lack

When I say that lack is an illusion, I get a lot of push back from people. It is not that everyone has access to everything. It is that when we shift our mindset, the lack does not pain us in the same way. Things do not make us happy. Are there things that can…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Lower Heart

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the fifth one, on the Lower Heart Chakra. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks!…

[Monday Message] Allowing for Grace

Ninety percent of the time, the Universe doesn’t give us any more than we can handle. The other ten percent of the time, it offers us the opportunity to allow for grace. One of the things we’re doing here on this plane is growing and evolving spiritually, so that we can remember who we are…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Lower Mental Body

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the fourth one, The Lower Mental Body, located at the solar plexus. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube…

[Monday Message] Passionate Goals

If people have goals for which they have no passion, they’re not really goals. Those are things that other people have told them they need to go after. Passionate goals are true goals. What are you passionate about? People learn best, are motivated, strive for new things when they get a glimmer of the goal,…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Sacral

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the third one, The Sacral Chakra. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload…

[Monday Message] Spiritual Problem Solving

The problem, the challenge, lies in figuring out what we are doing. Life is just a series of solutions. In the beginning In the beginning, there was The All. That was boring. The All wanted to better understand itself. It turns out the deepest understanding comes from experience. But how to create experience, when all…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Root

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the second one, The Root Chakra. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload…

[Monday Message] Fear

At some point in history, that part of us that said “don’t leave the cave and you won’t get eaten” kept humans alive. So that operating system believes that, if it is not in charge, we are going to die. So it makes a lot of noise to keep our attention, and gets louder when…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Earthseed

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the first one, starting with Earthseed. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload…