[Monday Message] Growth

Growth requires hard work. Sometimes the hard work is done by our bodies, behind the scenes, like when we are growing up. Sometimes the hard work is conscious and physical, whether it’s learning a new workout routine, a new instrument, or simply leveling up in a physical skill. Sometimes the hard work is emotional, as…

About Reiki Healing

A lot of people are Reiki practitioners, but what is it, what can it do, and what goes into the training? It is the form of energy healing that has been studied the most and has the most evidence to support its efficacy. Many hospitals use it, and nurses can receive continuing education credits for…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Star Gate

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the eleventh, and last, one, on the Star Gate Chakra. This Chakra is located above the head; if you want to consciously and effectively channel, project, travel, work with guidance, or even stay conscious during high-vibration meditations, it is…

[Monday Message] Choosing to feel better about yourself

If you want to feel better about yourself, it helps to do estimable acts. Estimable are are those things which are going to make us better about ourselves in the long term. One of the main reasons that people feel poorly about themselves is because they don’t do the right thing. Consciously or not, this…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – The Causal Chakra

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the tenth one, on the Causal Chakra. This Chakra is located behind the head, and is the where we connect to the space-time continuum. This is also our connection to The Akashic Records. I’d love to hear (read) about…

[Monday Message] Peaceful Prosperity

A few truths about prosperity: Money is merely a representation of an exchange of energy. Anything else you have attached to the idea of money you have attached to money. To be fair, someone probably handed you that idea, but it’s not true. Money is nothing more than a representation of an exchange of energy….

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Crown Chakra

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the ninth one, on the Crown. The Crown Chakra is located where the soft spot n a baby’s head would be, and is the seat of our spiritual survival, as well as the appropriate doorway through which we journey,…

[Monday Message] Spontaneity

Chaos is the root of creativity and of creation itself. What could be more chaotic than The Big Bang or childbirth? Spontaneity is inherently chaotic. There is no planning involved in being spontaneous. If you don’t let loose, if you are always controlled, you never allow for the possibilities. Spontaneity is magical. It opens us…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Third Eye

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the eighth one, on the Third Eye. The center of this chakra is at the pineal gland, so it rules our endocrine system as well as our connection to clarity. The third eye, by the way, opens not just…

[Monday Message] Active Prayer

I’ve been talking with people a lot lately about manifestation, effective affirmations, and prayer. Manifestation is most often used to create an outward change in one’s circumstances. Affirmations are most often used to create a change in one’s inner circumstances. Prayer can be used for either. Each, when done effectively, has a component of making…

[Meditation] The Chakra Series – Throat

I’ve started a new meditation series on Tuesdays; we’ll be going through the chakras. This is the seventh one, on the Throat Chakra. This is our point of creativity, authenticity, and integrity, and it from here that we voice our Truth as well as projecting ourselves out into the world. I’d love to hear (read)…

[Monday Message] Freedom in Tranquility

The name of peace is sweet, and the thing itself is beneficial, but there is a great difference between peace and servitude. Peace is freedom in tranquility, servitude is the worst of all evils, to be resisted not only by war, but even by death. -Cicero Servitude can be a sneaky thing. I can serve…