A Blessed Teacher Has Passed Over

If you have ever taken a Reiki or colored light class from me, or received a healing from me, you owe this woman a debt of gratitude. One of my first teachers, Penny Harrington was a remarkable woman. I am at a loss for words, so I am going to share the memoriam I received…

[Meditation] Progressive Relaxation

I’ve uploaded a new relaxation meditation to YouTube. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist, if you’re looking for a collection. The recordings are from her twice weekly live…

[Monday Message] Breaking through indecision

I talk about the Negative Ego a lot, because it is part of what defines our entire experience on this plane of existence. The Negative Ego generates fear, it creates indecision, it brings up control issues, and it confuses us with the illusion of lack. It all goes back to the chimera that the Divine…

[Meditation] Aligning with solar energies and higher heart

As I said in my post at the end of August, we are having a lot of solar activity right now and it can make people jangly. This meditation is designed to help to get into harmony with those energies so they affect you less negatively. Please let me know what you think. I upload…

[Monday Message] You Are Responsible to the Greater Good

You are responsible. It is part of your job, as a human being, to be conscious in word and deed. Be conscious of what is going on around you and speak up when injustice happens, while understanding that your value system may not be shared by everyone; honor people’s agency and let them tell you…

More about trauma

There’s a lot going on! Between natural disasters, war-like conditions, and the continuing pandemic, I’m surprised any of us are functioning at all. My Weekly Forecast on Patreon that covers the week going into September said, in part, “…we can expect the microcosm to mirror the opportunities for ripping the bandaid off the infected and…

[Meditation] Mindfulness, Relaxation, and Pain Relief

I’ve uploaded a new pain relief meditation to YouTube. It should also help relax you and bring you present, even if you’re not in pain. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got…

[Monday Message] Do Not Sit Idly By

Far too often, we teach children that sitting still is the definition of being good. This translates, in our adult lives, into not interfering when interference is called for. Whether your personal boundaries are being violated or someone is doing something out in the world that is patently wrong, speaking up is the right thing…

Current energies, astrological and solar

There are some BIG energies going on right now. We are in the waning moon, coming out of the second Full Moon in Aquarius, headed towards a Mercury Retrograde, and we’re having some powerful solar activity. You may be feeling out of sorts, overreactive, sensitive, depressed, avoidant, and/or anxious. Granted, considering the state of the…

[Meditation] Clearing & Cooling

I’ve uploaded a new clearing meditation to YouTube. It’s designed to help you meditate and cool off (it has been so hot lately!). I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation…

[Monday Message] Teamwork

Teamwork is the foundation of everything. The idea of an independent human being is a myth. The very fact that you exist means you had parents, unless you were created in a lab, by a team of scientists. You were not spontaneously manifested into existence by nothing. Except… You kind of were, when you get…

[Meditation] Manifestation with Breath

I’ve uploaded a new manifestation meditation to YouTube. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist, if you’re looking for a collection. The recordings are from her twice weekly live…