More on Navigating the Current Mercury Retrograde

This Mercury Retrograde seems to have 2 main components: (1) We are being asked to do some heavy processing of old old old issues from our past, sometimes with the focus on just being present to the emotions that come up without even knowing what they are attached to; and (2) Being super flexible with…

New Moon in Cancer, Moving out of Mercury Retrograde

We did our monthly New Moon Gathering tonight, and had some new people, which is always lovely. It was a powerful meditation for me. Here are some barebones notes about the current energies: New Moon in Cancer (water sign) – first lunar cycle of the summer (Mad Midsummer Moon) Intentions set now have the possibility…

Solar Activity in the First Third of Mercury Retrograde (in Gemini)

I got an email from SpaceWeather this morning: Breaking a weeks-long spell of quiet, the sun erupted on June 10th, producing not one but two X-class solar flares. The source is a new sunspot just emerging over the sun’s southeastern limb. This active region is not squarely facing our planet. However, it will become increasingly…

Manifesting During Mercury Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde on Thursday of this week. It is, however, already affecting us.  As a reminder, the protocol before doing anything during Mercury Retrograde is to Stop Breathe Ground It’s always a good idea to take a moment and figure out how you got “here,” whatever your “here” is right now. All actions taken…

New Moon; Mercury Retrograde; Mars and Saturn in Libra; Solar Flares!

Are you feeling jangly? Emotional? Raw? Jumpy? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Congratulations! You’re right on track. We just entered a three year cycle of breakthroughs, where we need to honor, acknowledge, and make friends with our emotions in order to change the world. Tall order, eh? Nurture yourself. Listen to your emotions. Stay away from people and…

Mercury Retrograde in Aries

As of yesterday, we are in Mercury Retrograde. This is, as always, an opportunity to stop and catch your breath. All communication and action should be done consciously, deliberately, with clear intentions. Be introspective. Examine the path you took to get to this point. Seek out loose ends and create closure. In about 3 weeks,…