“This too shall pass” -Abraham Lincoln, possibly “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” -Benjamin Franklin “Change is the only constant in life” -Heraclitus “Everything changes, whether you want it to or not” -me When we are not in acceptance of the fact that change is a constant,…
[Meditation] Column of White Light (Clearing)
I’ve uploaded a new clearing meditation using white light to my YouTube channel. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and…
[Meditation] White Light: Soothe Receive Expand
I’ve uploaded a new White Light meditation to my YouTube channel. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got…
[Meditation] Mindfulness
I’ve uploaded a new mindfulness meditation to my YouTube channel. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share with people who might need it. Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a…
[Meditation] White Light Pain Relief
I’ve uploaded a new meditation for pain relief to my YouTube channel. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share with people who might need it. Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube would be helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve…
Communication from the Heart Center
The heart is the switching station in the body, that which connects the physical to the spiritual selves, and it’s also operating system from which we connect to everything and everyone around us. The heart has a very different sort of knowingness that our usual operating systems. It will lead us in different directions, and…
Cross Quarter of the Indwelling Divine
This Cross Quarter is about assessing and celebrating our inner strengths.
[Meditation] Control Room Balancing
I’ve uploaded a new meditation to help you with balancing your energy to my YouTube channel. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share. It’s especially helpful when people like the video and comment on it on YouTube, and subscribe to my channel! I upload a new…