[Monday Message] Diligence

Diligence: n. Persistent effort or work -The Oxford English Dictionary We live in a disposable culture. We suffer from overconsumption and excessive production of short-lived or disposable items over durable goods that can be repaired. We also have microwaves so our food will be cooked faster, fast food restaurants that we often still think take…

[Meditation] Here and Now, in the Present

I’ve uploaded a new meditation to help you be in the Now. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and…

Summer Solstice 2022

This is an excerpt from my Summer Solstice ceremony we’re doing tonight Sing to the mother – father god, all creatures! Worship him with your joy; Praise her with the sound of your laughter. Know that we all belong to the Divine, That this is our source and our home. For her goodness is beyond…

[Monday Message] Karma

“Although we may speak of karma in terms of positive, neutral, and negative actions, basically, it is all a question of whether a given action facilitates or retards the soul’s development and evolution – hence whether our actions lead toward a progress to a supernal or divine humanity or a regress back into our bestial…

[Meditation] Joy

I’ve uploaded a new meditation for joy. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist,…

[Monday Message] Charity

Real progress is progress in charity, all other advances being secondary thereto. -Aldous Huxley What is charity? How do I create progress in charity? The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “kindness, natural affection, candour, freedom from censoriousness, imputing good motives when possible, beneficence.” It is interesting to me that, if one looks at the…

[Meditation] Transmuting Negative into Positive

I’ve uploaded a new meditation to help you shift your perspective. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve…

[Monday Message] The Miracle of Manifestation

One of the keys to manifestation is to allow for the possibility that a miracle could occur. Miracle: /ˈmirək(ə)l/ noun – a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or…

[Meditation] Mindfulness

I’ve uploaded a new mindfulness meditation. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist, if…

Gemstone Meditation

I’ve uploaded a new clearing and balancing meditation using gemstones as a visualization. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday,…

[Monday Message] Acting in Integrity

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Integrity as “wholeness; soundness; uprightness, honesty“. Integrity is an expression of your True Self, who you are at your core. Therefore standing in your integrity means standing in your Truth, without which you would not be whole. Let me tell you a secret: Your mind will lie to you often,…

[Meditation] Planetary Alignment

I’ve uploaded a new meditation for planetary alignment; it’s especially good during Mercury Retrograde. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every…