[Monday Message] Getting Comfortable with Others

How good are you at getting comfortable with others? How do you feel in a crowd? Are you comfortable or anxious? Can you relax? How do you feel at a small gathering? Are you comfortable, interested, engaged? Or are you shy and nervous? How do you respond to meeting a new person? It’s surprising how…

Walk Through the Doorway

Invitation The Essene Book of Days says “Samhain is the doorway to the sanctum sanctorum. Beyond this doorway lies the deep cavern of the Earth Mother’s womb, the creative abyss, from which grows all that is intuitive and contemplative and natural on this earth.” We are in Inanna’s Descent. Take a little bit of time…

[Meditation] De-stress

I’ve uploaded a new guided meditation for love and support from the Universe. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday,…

This week’s Monday Message is going to be a little different

I was looking at the original message for 11/7 (reprinted below) with a view towards enhancing it, as I do every week. The writing on contentment seemed fairly complete, but it seemed like it could use a guided meditation. I happen to have recorded one last year right around this time, so I offer you…

[Meditation] Love and Support

I’ve uploaded a new guided meditation for love and support from the Universe. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday,…

[Monday Message] Doing Things in Spite of Fear

I talk all the time about fear being an illusion. That doesn’t mean we don’t have the experience of it on a regular basis. Fear is a fact of being human. Not letting it affect us, not letting it deter us from action, that is the spiritual act. It has been said that fear is…

[Meditation] Clear & Energized

I’ve uploaded a new guided meditation for clarity and to increase your energy levels. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every…

[Monday Message] Creating or Smashing Limitations

Limitations are a funny thing. You are the co-creator of your reality, of your life, of your Universe – did you know that? As such, you are capable of limiting yourself in innumerable ways. Examples: On a purely practical level, when you believe you have limitations, you limit yourself, because you are operating on that…

[Meditation] Love For Self

I’ve uploaded a new guided meditation to increase your love for yourself. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and…

[Monday Message] Uncovering Who You Are

Uncovering who you are is much like a sculptor creating their art. I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David. -Michelangelo Your essence, your very core being, simply is. There is…

[Meditation] Sound Bath

I’ve uploaded a recording of a recent Sound Bath. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a…

[Monday Message] Feel the Love

What is love? Love is not an emotion, although we have an emotional response to it. Love is a force, an energy. In its purest form, it is the energy that makes up the All. Until it comes through the ego, through the wounded self, it is unconditional. And what creates the wounded self? Receiving…