Mercury Retrograde Training

Each cycle, just before entering the pre-shadow of Mercury Retrograde, I will be offering a training on surfing the energies.

You know how you’re always hoping the Universe will give you just a little bit of a break, some breathing room, from the running-hustle-bustle of your life? Well, 3 or 4 times a year, that wish is granted in the form of Mercury Retrograde. Everything s-l-o-w-s down and moves like molasses. The difficulty comes when you want things to keep moving at that other pace. Just breathe, accept that this is your chance to think (and rethink) before you act or speak, and that the world is just not going to move at its usual speed.

Let me help you learn how to surf the energy, to use it to your benefit, to avoid the pitfalls, and to even move forward through it!

Each iteration of the training will be geared toward the particular flavor of the upcoming retrograde.

    February 25th – Pisces and Aries

$22.22 if you register by 7pm the day before
$25 up until an hour before class

Registration closes 6pm the day of class