“The Green Man” (William Anderson) Like antlers, like veins of the brain the branches Mark patterns of mind on the red winter sky; ‘I am thought of all plants,’ says the Green Man, ‘I am thought of all plants,’ says he. The hungry birds harry the last berries of rowan But white is her bark…
Category: Winter
Walk Through the Doorway
Invitation The Essene Book of Days says “Samhain is the doorway to the sanctum sanctorum. Beyond this doorway lies the deep cavern of the Earth Mother’s womb, the creative abyss, from which grows all that is intuitive and contemplative and natural on this earth.” We are in Inanna’s Descent. Take a little bit of time…
Looking toward classes for 2021
Good grief, it’s mid November already. Still feels like March. How odd. As I tend to do around this time of year, I’m weighing and evaluating my offerings for the next calendar year (actually, looking through the archives, I may not have made a post like this since 2017). It’s going to be at least…
Tarot Reading for November 2019
The Star, a potent symbol of light and transformation, pierces the mask of the ordinary to release the extraordinary. A powerful conduit of the the Divine radiance, she moves effortlessly between the personal and transpersonal realms, embodying and transmitting larger than life energy. Fully cognizant, she is a divine vehicle and catalyst for the star…
Working with your shadow self
As we ease into the darkening of the year, my Full Moon Women’s Circle will be focusing on the shadow or occult face of the Goddess. Of you can’t join us and would still like to explore making friends with those parts of yourself you would rather ignore, thereby becoming stronger and more integrated, this…
Grandmother’s Healing Winter Soup
Soup for what ails you
Aquarius New Moon and Lunar New Year
Happy New Moon, Lunar New Year, Fiesta de Iemanjá, Kumbh Mela, Candlemas, and Groundhog Day!
The Cross Quarter in the beginning of February
The beginning of February (2/4 this year) is one of the cross-quarters (the midpoint between a solstice and equinox) of the year. The two in May and November mark the thinning of the veil; some people know them as Beltaine (or May Day) and Samhain (or Halloween, or Dio De los Muertos, or All Saints…
The solar wind is coming! The solar wind is coming!
So, I received an alert from SpaceWeather: During solar minimum, long-lasting holes open in the sun’s atmosphere, releasing streams of solar wind into space. A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Polar geomagnetic storms are likely when the gaseous material arrives on…
Feeling low? This might be why…
If you’re feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or fatigued, here are some explanations and, more importantly, some solutions.
Good news! I am able to take on some more clients!
I will no longer be in Malibu three days a week, which means I am more available for private clients. I will be conducting regular office hours at The Crystal Matrix Center in Atwater Village on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Dood/ette, do you even Gratitude?
It’s that time of the year, when a lot of people talk about gratitude. A year-round gratitude practice is a brilliant idea, as you will see, so why not take the opportunity this week to start creating those habits? When you only focusing on gratitude for a day, a week, or a month, you do…