A high-speed stream of solar wind is approaching Earth. ETA: June 15-16. The gaseous material is flowing from a southern hole in the sun’s atmosphere and could spark high-latitude auroras when it arrives. –SpaceWeather Solar wind doesn’t disrupt the electromagnetic field in the same way a CME does, although they still can cause geomagnetic storms,…
Category: solar storms
Feeling jangly? Blame the Solar Storms
On May 22nd, the sun produced an incredible sequence of solar flares. Earth-orbiting satellites detected a dozen explosions in the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2824. One of them emitted a radio burst so strong, it drowned out static from lightning storms on Earth and was recorded at midnight by listening stations in the Arctic. NOAA forecast models…
Geomagnetic Storm (aka Solar Flare) Warning
This Solar Flare warning just in from SpaceWeather: GEOMAGNETIC STORM WARNING: NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible on April 25th when a coronal mass ejection (CME) is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field. The CME was hurled in our direction earlier today by a C3.8-class flare from sunspot AR2816. Earth-facing sunspot AR2816…
Thinning of the veil, Taurus & Scorpio energy, solar activity, meteors…
This is one of my favorite energies of the year. Yes, I’m in one of my mourning periods, but there’s also all this Scorpio meets Taurus energy (which is where I live). It’s all sexy and earthy and sensual and feet-in-the-mud. This year, we’ve also got some meteor shower and solar activity. This is supercharged….
The current energies are bouncing off of each other
We just got whapped by some solar energy over the last few days; scientifically speaking, it was a glancing blow, but the CME was decently sized, so we definitely felt it. For those of you who haven’t been following this blog for a while, the heart of our solar system is a higher manifestation of…
Productivity Music, courtesy of the Sun
This just in from Spaceweather: High above the Arctic Circle in Lofoten, Norway, citizen scientist Rob Stammes operates a space weather monitoring station. His sensors detect ground currents, auroras, radio bursts, and disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field. Yesterday, he says, “I received a musical note from the magnetosphere.” “Around 05.30 UTC on Jan. 18th, our…
Geomagnetic Storm Incoming!
SpaceWeather says a Geomagnetic Storm is coming: A CME is coming. The solar storm cloud was hurled toward us yesterday by an explosion in the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2790. NOAA forecasters expect the CME to hit Earth’s magnetic field during the second half of Dec. 9th. The impact could spark a geomagnetic storm–most likely…
Ongoing geomagnetic storm increasing on September 29th
SpaceWeather issued this missive about geomagnetic activity over the weekend: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth, and it could spark the strongest geomagnetic storm in more than a year. NOAA forecasters say storm levels could reach category G2 (moderately strong) when the gaseous material arrives on Sept. 29th. Bright “equinox auroras” are already…
Passing through folds in the heliospheric current
Did you feel a drop in your energy on January 6th, starting around 19:30UTC (11:30am Pacific)? SpaceWeather says we may have passed through a fold in the heliospheric current sheet, a giant, wavy membrane of electrical current rippling through the solar system: Yesterday, Jan. 6th, something unexpected happened in the soil of northern Norway. “Electrical…
Use the incoming solar wind for course correction
SpaceWeather says A large hourglass-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: August 5th-6th. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms and high-latitude auroras are possible when the gaseous material arrives. This solar wind will be hitting as we are moving into the energy of Lughnasadh,…
A follow up to Saturday’s blog post about Solar Activity
On Saturday, I posted about an ongoing energy shift due to solar activity. According to SpaceWeather, the Sun is sending bursts of radio energy toward Earth strong enough to make audible noises in the loudspeakers of common shortwave receivers. That’s pretty strong. People are feeling uneasy. I have talked before about how the energy of…
Energy shift, courtesy of Sol
From SpaceWeather: This weekend, one of the largest sunspots in recent years is directly facing Earth. The behemoth is not producing strong flares, but it is doing something rare and interesting. A canyon of light (called a “light bridge”) is opening inside the sunspot’s dark core, presaging a possible disruptive breakup. This bodes well for…