Getting what you want from Mercury Retrograde (part 1)

We are in the shadow of yet another Mercury Retrograde. Rather than rehash the same information again (you can get that here), I thought I’d talk about some of the possibilities. People always seem to focus on how Mercury gets in their way, and less on actually getting what the want from Mercury Retrograde. I…

Expanding Kabbalah

I’ve been teaching Kabbalah for almost 10 years, I think. It’s a universal system that transcends belief structures, but most of the information out there is based on Abrahamic tradition. I’ve got some Gnostic in me, so that part isn’t completely dissonant, and I still strive to find a way to present the information in…

Separating Fact From Fiction

The most useful thing that meditation gives us is the ability to separate fact from fiction. When we don’t have a regular (read: daily) practice of some sort of mindfulness, we take the stories our mind tells us as fact. I wrote about this extensively at the end of October. There is phrase some people…

Cycles of the Goddess

In 2020, instead of doing a Full Moon Women’s Circle, I will be offering an online subscription program of Goddess-centric devotional material. All live sessions will be available via video conference and phone. The program will still incorporate some of Lasara Firefox Allen‘s work on the fivefold goddess model, as well as aiming to elevate…

Joy and Change: Moving Into the New Paradigm

It’s the last month of 2019! A few more holidays to get through and then we move into 2020, the year of (numerologically) Four! We are mid-paradigm shift, and this is the year the hard work really starts. We all feel like we’ve been working hard already, possibly even struggling, so it’s important to make…

Everyone is Deserving of Compassion

Compassion Definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. “the victims should be treated with compassion” synonyms: pity, sympathy, feeling, fellow feeling, empathy, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, soft-heartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth, love, brotherly love, tenderness, gentleness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, consideration, kindness, humanity, humaneness, kind-heartedness, charity, benevolence This…

Use Mercury Transit to power your changes!

On Monday (11/11), Mercury will transit (cross) the Sun’s face. On the West Coast, it will start at 4:36am, peak at 7:20am, and finish at 10:04am. The next Mercury Transit won’t be until 2032. Yes yes, that’s only 12 years off, but still. So, this event is Mercury (conscious thought, communication) stepping between us and…

Let me tell you about the Negative Ego

What some people call brain is more accurately “mind”. In Buddhist terms, it is the monkey mind. In Western Mystery Tradition it frequently gets labeled as the Negative Ego. In Twelve Step programs, they just call it ego, but that term is confusing, because Freud. The Negative Ego is that part of the Self that, when sabre…

Reading for October – We are of the Earth

Queen of Pentacles from The Starman Tarot by Davide and Esther De Angelis “We are all part of Mother Earth: an indivisible, living community of interconnected systems. Evidence of exploitation and contamination of the lands, over the years, has lead to corrosive deterioration and destruction, threatening the diversity of life, including our own. If we…

What does it mean to do your best?

To do your best is to be present. I always start from the idea that either the Divine is everything or it is nothing (or, sometimes, it is both, but we’ll let that alone for now). If the Divine is everything, then you are a part of the Divine; what you are reading this on…