Today’s message from the Labyrinth is to simplify your life. How do you go about doing that? Do you have a metric you use? What gets in the way for you?
Category: Practice
Pantheacon: Sunday & Monday Wrap Up
A run down of days 3 and 4 at Pantheacon
Pantheacon: Saturday Wrap Up
A run down of day 2 at Pantheacon 2016.
Synthesizing the Dark Goddess and the God of Light on the Internet to Effect Social Justice
In late January 2016, Ayamanayara presented at the Conference on Current Pagan Studies. The presentation was based on the book she is working on, about using the internet as a tool to foster equality out in the world. This is a video of that presentation.
Astrological Imbolc
It’s a high holy day in many pagan traditions. Ayamanatara explores some of the lore, energies, and meaning that you may be less familiar with, and also talks a little about the current energies in general.
Honoring The Flow of Energy
Making sure you have balance in your life can be as simple as paying attention to the push and the pull of your energy.
This New Moon
Three celestial bodies in Capricorn, two in retrograde, plus some Mars, and a bit of numerology. Read up and be prepared!
Winter Solstice into Full Moon
A look at the juxtaposition of Solstice and the Full Moon, and what that might mean for your awareness. Forewarned is forarmed.
Helpful ways to make relationships and gatherings easier this holiday season.
If You Are Human, We Are All Human
Stop letting people and the media dehumanize people. Stop letting them dehumanize you by stoking your fears. Stand up for humanity.
Limitations, and how to get past them.
Unity and Separation
Tis the season to look at the world differently