Power is the energy of creation, of existence. Power is outside of us and inside of us. It is infinite.
Category: Practice
Some unsettling energy going on – What to do with it?
Saturn is in Capricorn, which has the effect of forcing us to be present and in the moment. On March 8th, Jupiter went retrograde in Scorpio. Jupiter is generally expansive and is very tied to our beliefs. Scorpio is all about transformation. Also on March 8, the shadow of Mercury Retrograde in Aries began (actual…
Rainy Full Moon
I am inordinately excited about the timing of weather in Southern California this week. Thursday will be both a Full Moon and raining, which affords me a rare opportunity. I have talked before in this blog about the moon (and occasional solar) waters I make, but there hasn’t been much opportunity to do it with…
Valentine’s Day Symbolism and Power
I am constantly amused at how much our society has invested in disempowering that which is truly powerful; not that their power can be diminished, but if people who need the assistance of the truly powerful don’t know where to look, it maintains the status quo. Examples include the number 13 (completion of the cycle…
Heart Energy (from the February Newsletter)
The end of January/beginning of February marks the first fertility festival of the year, frequently called Imbolc, which means “milk of the lamb.” In my head, it’s when the snowdrops begin to emerge. Obviously, I didn’t grow up in Southern California, and the weather isn’t what it used to be anywhere, really, so I might…
The Power of Water
Water is the basis for everything.
An Ode to Raindancer Frog
Raindancer Frog on my right, Spirit of action, of lifesbreath, of change and transition, Hear my song! Child of Heket, Child of Incorruptibility, She who hops across the Veil with ease, Hear my song! It harmonizes with the fat drops of rain, falling in puddles. It weaves through the white noise of a downpour. It…
Oh, that wacky sky energy…
Feeling edgy or anxious? We’ve got a few things going on. (1) This New Moon in Scorpio has some prickly energy associated with it. Best to do some writing, meditating, and/or general introspection. Just be prepared, it might get heavy. Better than not doing it, though. (2) This week Earth has been moving through a…
A comet returns, suggesting some interesting events
SpaceWeather tells me: Today, spacecraft are monitoring a close encounter between the sun and Comet 96P/Machholz (link mine). This is no ordinary comet. 96P/Machholz has a strange chemical composition that has prompted astronomers to wonder if it comes from another star system. Moreover, it is linked to a complicated network of debris streams criss-crossing the…
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Your Mindset Affects Your Reality
This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time to examine all of your ideas about How Things Are. I say this for two reasons: (1) They’re going to get louder, because they want to be released; and (2) The energy for releasing old, stuck ideas is optimal right now. So give some thought…
The World is Not Binary
Viewing an issue as involving only two choices creates unworkable limitations. Stand up for change.
Reminder: The World is a Hologram (From the August Newsletter)
As things are heating up more and more, politically and socially, to say nothing of the weather, I thought this would be a good time to remind you that the world around you is a hologram, a manifestation of your inner processes. When you encounter persons or ideas that are counter to who you really…