Why is the Internet important for change?

The Internet is a manifestation of the Fourth Dimension, what some people call the Astral. There is no time, no space, and you are not defined by race, heritage, gender, orientation, religion, or socioeconomic status unless you choose to be. This is not to say that you shouldn’t choose to be, only that you have…

Use the incoming solar wind for course correction

SpaceWeather says A large hourglass-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: August 5th-6th. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms and high-latitude auroras are possible when the gaseous material arrives. This solar wind will be hitting as we are moving into the energy of Lughnasadh,…

Pagan Astrological Celebrations and Observances

Every tradition that I know of has sacred days they observe and honor. There are many variations in observances under the large umbrella of Paganism; a good rule of thumb, though, is to look at the Solar and Lunar cycles as guides. The Lunar Cycle is 28.25(ish) days long and run from New Moon to…

Dealing with Physical Pain

Everyone experiences physical pain at some point, to varying degrees. Our instinctual reaction to pain is one of alarm or fear, and a desire to get away from it. It makes sense – pain is supposed to be a danger signal in the body that says “STOP DOING THAT!” Energetically, we try to push it…

An Invocation of Hermes to Protect Immigrants

I don’t make a habit of reposting things by other authors wholesale link this, but this is important to get out to as wide an audience as quickly as possible. Original post here: https://medium.com/@michaelmhughes/all-one-family-an-invocation-of-hermes-to-protect-immigrants-78d233a82b4b A spell to protect immigrants and refugees, especially those fleeing harm, and to encourage global fellowship and healing via the invocation…

Forecast for June 2019

The overarching pattern of the forecast for June suggests to me that the focus is on prosperity. Not necessarily on having it, but on paying attention, planing, evaluating your relationship to it, and holding space for it. If you do have it, be careful, conscious, and deliberate in how you use it. If you’re working…

The dilemma of spirituality

I truly believe that the reason people choose fundamentalist religion over more flexible belief structures is because they are easy. There is little, if any, self examination required, no experimentation to see how a concept feels or fits into your framework. You’re not expected to create or maintain a relationship with your spirituality beyond following…

Effective affirmations

Affirmations take more work than you might realize. Here’s how to navigate those waters.

Hey, look! I got press!

A while back, I did an interview with VoyageLA Magazine. It has made its way to the public! Excerpts: Both my personal and work practices are a synthesis of my studies, from a distinct Shamanistic viewpoint that honors the masculine and the feminine, with a focus on community, equality, and empowerment. What that looks like…

A follow up to Saturday’s blog post about Solar Activity

On Saturday, I posted about an ongoing energy shift due to solar activity. According to SpaceWeather, the Sun is sending bursts of radio energy toward Earth strong enough to make audible noises in the loudspeakers of common shortwave receivers. That’s pretty strong. People are feeling uneasy. I have talked before about how the energy of…

A simple breathing meditation

I offer a weekly online meditation on a donation basis. This week’s meditation was a simple meditation that focuses on breath and awareness, with no visualization. It is about 19 minutes long.

A ritual for Spring

This ritual was originally published in the April newsletter If you, like me, like to set intentions and create abundance in the spring, here is my favorite spring ritual, best done under the New Moon: You’ll need: a dinner roll a nickel a strip of paper pen some honey a smallish candle (I usually use…