Letting Go to Make Room For the New

Endings are as inevitable as beginnings. Change is the only constant. Death is a transition. Energy does not vanish. These times are bringing up a lot of grief for people. The way of life we have known is no more. People are still coming to terms with that. A vaccine may only be 50% effective,…

First Harvest Cross Quarter of the Goddess

“Women are the weavers of the Universe; through our bodies we take in pure creative essence and then actively create a dynamic form. Modern women can access this capacity with intention only when we know how to work with the underlying patterns that shape our creative range. “ Adapted from Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn…

The timeline possibilities – peering into the future

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

Changing the world through sacrifices

What if you were making the sacrifices you’ve been making, not from a place of fear, but from a place of empowerment? What if your sacrifices could fuel a paradigm shift of epic proportions, where inequality and bigotry had no place in the system? How would you view your situation then? How would you use…

The timeline possibilities – finishing out 2020

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

What in the World: Is Covid 19 the Waybringer of the new paradigm?

In this episode, we talk about the new paradigm we are moving into, how Covid 19 can be the Waybringer, working with non-humans, and how that all might look… mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have,…

The timeline possibilities – forecast through September 2020

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

Mars in Aries – the long read

I keep saying I’m not an astrologer (and I’m not, in the current understanding of the title), and then I write posts like this. Mars just entered Aries and, because of retrograde patterns, will be there until the beginning of January. Let’s break that down. Aries is Mars’ home. In traditional astrologer terms, Mars rules…

What in the World: Pandemic, Protest, Planets, and more!

In this episode, we talk about the pandemic and global outlook, mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have, and any other esoteric mysteries that catch our fancy. Ayamanatara has guests come and ask her questions or…

Looking forward to May 2020

(This post is a combination of two articles from my May 2020 newsletter) Blessed Beltane! Beltane (falls on 5/5/20) is the midway point between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice (in the Northern half of the globe) and is also one of the two times a year when the veil is at its thinnest. In…

What in the World: more on Sacred Math and effecting positive change

In this episode, we talk Sacred Math (again); The Melchizedek Collective; the energy of language; and effecting positive change… mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have, and any other esoteric mysteries that catch our fancy. Ayamanatara…

Spirituality and Late-Stage Capitalism

The relationship between Spirituality and money is complicated, and was long before we entered this phase of late-stage capitalism. The image for this post is from my Daily Messages (January 25th). The text reads: Abundance just is. Much like gravity, it just exists within the universe. Lack, its assumed opposite, is simply the illusion of…