[Monday Message] Breaking through indecision

I talk about the Negative Ego a lot, because it is part of what defines our entire experience on this plane of existence. The Negative Ego generates fear, it creates indecision, it brings up control issues, and it confuses us with the illusion of lack. It all goes back to the chimera that the Divine…

[Monday Message] Do Not Sit Idly By

Far too often, we teach children that sitting still is the definition of being good. This translates, in our adult lives, into not interfering when interference is called for. Whether your personal boundaries are being violated or someone is doing something out in the world that is patently wrong, speaking up is the right thing…

Current energies, astrological and solar

There are some BIG energies going on right now. We are in the waning moon, coming out of the second Full Moon in Aquarius, headed towards a Mercury Retrograde, and we’re having some powerful solar activity. You may be feeling out of sorts, overreactive, sensitive, depressed, avoidant, and/or anxious. Granted, considering the state of the…

[Monday Message] Teamwork

Teamwork is the foundation of everything. The idea of an independent human being is a myth. The very fact that you exist means you had parents, unless you were created in a lab, by a team of scientists. You were not spontaneously manifested into existence by nothing. Except… You kind of were, when you get…

[Monday Message] Inner peace

Gandhi is often credited with saying “be the change you wish to see in the world” or “be the peace you want to see in the world.” What he actually said is “We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body….

[Monday Message] Lack of Perfection is not Failure

Perfection is an illusion created by the negative ego. First of all, what we think of as perfection is indefinable. When we do something really well, the negative ego tells us it’s still not good enough. So it serves to keep us separated from our joy, our heartsong, our connection to Source. Perfection can keep…

[Monday Message] Bringing goals into reality

The path to achieving your goals lies between the principles of idea and form. When you have an idea, a goal, allow yourself to sit with it before planning, let alone acting. Then create a plan of action, which includes breaking things down into the smallest baby steps possible, so the next indicated action is…

[Meditation] Acceptance & Joy

I’ve uploaded a new meditation to generate acceptance & joy to YouTube. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist, if you’re looking for a collection. The recordings are from…

[Meditation] Heart Healing

I’ve uploaded a new meditation on heart healing to YouTube. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist, if you’re looking for a collection. The recordings are from her twice…

[Monday Message] Your negative ego is your worst enemy. Sort of.

We are made up of different operating systems. An easy shorthand for them is the Hindu 7 Chakra System. The First chakra is basic physical survival – shelter, sustenance, money, love. The second is our basic emotions. The third is our individuation, and is the first one to have a polarity. At one end sits…

Solar Wind incoming on the 15th and 16th

A high-speed stream of solar wind is approaching Earth. ETA: June 15-16. The gaseous material is flowing from a southern hole in the sun’s atmosphere and could spark high-latitude auroras when it arrives. –SpaceWeather Solar wind doesn’t disrupt the electromagnetic field in the same way a CME does, although they still can cause geomagnetic storms,…