[Meditation] Opening to Positive Energy

I’ve uploaded a quick meditation to my YouTube channel to help you open to positive energy. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it, if you would care to share! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist, if you’re looking for a collection….

A Gratitude Practice for Venus Retrograde

In case you haven’t been participating in my 40 Day Gratitude Practice, but you’re looking for something transformational to carry you into 2022, Venus retrograde begins on 12/19/21 and will be in her cycle for 40 days, until 1/29/22. According to one of my favorite astrologers, Dana Gerhardt, Forty is a magically recurring number. Without…

[Gratitude] Thinking Positively

A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month, I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are based on a kabbalistic formula that I…

[Monday Message] Worry about now

Worry happens, at least for some people. Worry is a form of anxiety, which is a fear of the future. It is a tool of the Negative Ego to take us out of the present. You do have some flexibility and control, however, on where you focus your attention. At least if you focus on…

[Gratitude] Follow Through

A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month (more details on that coming on Friday), I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are…

40 Days of Gratitude

A number of years ago, I did a forty day practice of labyrinth walks. Based on the astrology of this month into next month (more details on that coming on Friday), I feel called to do a practice of gratitude, based on the theme of the day, for the next 40 days. The themes are…

[Monday Message] The Truth About Challenges

As you walk this journey, you will come up against challenges, difficulties, and times when you want to turn back. Part of this is simply life, although your perspective has a lot to do with your experience. You can always choose to see your challenges, problems as difficulties simply as Situations Which Require Your Attention,…

Honoring the Dead

Endings are as inevitable as beginnings. Change is the only constant. Death is a transition. Energy does not vanish. Grief is a natural reaction to endings. We grieve the end of chapters in our lives as well as the end of volumes. Our society is not particularly good at supporting that, so people can get…

[Monday Message] Feeling Successful

How you define success for yourself? Most people don’t actually know. They know what society tells them is success, what it will take for their friends and family to consider them successful, but they have no idea what will make them feel successful. Which is why so few people feel fulfilled. Something happened at the…

[Monday Message] Regaining Personal Power

Dale Carnegie once said “Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment.” These are the things that sap our personal power. All three are a form of avoidance of being in the moment. The overarching dilemma of life in today’s world is a disconnect from our power. The imbalance…

Mercury Retrograde in Libra (from the newsletter)

Mercury has gone retrograde in Libra. This is the third and final Mercury Retrograde of the year; all three have been in an air sign. Air is most often associated with the mental body. Mercury is a mental planet. So this retrograde may be a little extra. Also, we kick off in the same degree…

[Monday Message] The Habit of Distraction

It is part of the human condition to fall victim to the habit of distraction. It is part of spiritual evolution to guard against that. A Tibetan story tells of a meditation student who, while meditating in his room, believed he saw a spider descending in front of him. Each day the menacing creature returned,…