[Monday Message] Simplify Your Life

Does your life feel complicated or simple? If it already feels simple, this post is not aimed at you. If it feels complicated, read on! What’s important to you? What are your priorities? Do those things match up? What are your core values? What brings up passion for you? What are the values that are…

[Monday Message] Listen to your Heart

When your heart sings, that is your higher self saying “Yes! We are on our path!” When you listen to that heartsong, your life will run more smoothly, you will feel more fulfilled, and your heart will keep singing. It is a deeply satisfying feeling. Katherine Whilehaen said “The best career advice to give the…

[Monday Message] Personal power

Your personal power, disconnected from the whole, is a finite resource. When we connect to the Universe, or even just the heart of the planet, we connect to an infinite source of energy that is our birthright by virtue of us being here, now. Sometimes that connection happens despite the best efforts of the negative…

[Meditation] Alertness

I’ve uploaded a new meditation to help you feel more alert. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve…

[Monday Message] Diligence

Diligence: n. Persistent effort or work -The Oxford English Dictionary We live in a disposable culture. We suffer from overconsumption and excessive production of short-lived or disposable items over durable goods that can be repaired. We also have microwaves so our food will be cooked faster, fast food restaurants that we often still think take…

[Monday Message] Karma

“Although we may speak of karma in terms of positive, neutral, and negative actions, basically, it is all a question of whether a given action facilitates or retards the soul’s development and evolution – hence whether our actions lead toward a progress to a supernal or divine humanity or a regress back into our bestial…

[Monday Message] Charity

Real progress is progress in charity, all other advances being secondary thereto. -Aldous Huxley What is charity? How do I create progress in charity? The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “kindness, natural affection, candour, freedom from censoriousness, imputing good motives when possible, beneficence.” It is interesting to me that, if one looks at the…

[Monday Message] Acting in Integrity

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Integrity as “wholeness; soundness; uprightness, honesty“. Integrity is an expression of your True Self, who you are at your core. Therefore standing in your integrity means standing in your Truth, without which you would not be whole. Let me tell you a secret: Your mind will lie to you often,…

[Monday Message] Do it differently

The only constant is change. May of us do not like chaos, but chaos is inherent in creation, all creativity comes from chaos. It is the burst of energy that gives the impulse of Spirit to life. When we give in to the ego attachment to stasis, we are willing the Universe to cease to…

[Monday Message] Just Be You

Just be you. At some point in your childhood, you learned to not be you. You learned to present masks to the world based on the expectations of those around you. You may not even remember anymore who you are at your core. Let the world know you as you are, not as you think…

[Meditation] Reducing Anxiety

I’ve uploaded a new meditation to lessen anxiety. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every Wednesday, and I’ve got a Meditation Playlist,…

[Monday Message] Practice makes perfect

Spiritual practice implies action; practice is a verb as well as a noun. Sitting around and talking about it is merely philosophy, which is nice, but doesn’t get you anywhere until put into practice. Practice also implies that we’re not going to be doing it perfectly any time soon. Lama Khemsar Rinpoche has been known…