It was supposed to be a New Moon post, but the Sun got in the way, which is exactly the opposite of observable astronomical fact.
Category: Personal growth
The Masks of Anger
Anger frequently masks other emotions, especially if we had parents and peers who didn’t do emotion well when we were children. Here are some solutions to re-empower yourself.
Frustration, anxiety, and anger during Mars/Mercury retrograde
Mercury and Mars retrograde can make us feel especially powerless. Here are some tools for shifting that.
New Moon in Cancer & first eclipse of the season!
Tonight: Solar Eclipse New Moon @ 20 Cancer at 7:48pm Pacific First the jargon: It’s a partial eclipse, not viewable from North America, and happens at the same time that the Moon goes Void of Course. Mars is conjunct the South Node. The Moon is exactly opposite Pluto in Capricorn. There is a Water Grand…
The dust storm on Mars: symbolism and paradigm shift
“A martian dust storm that started in late May, silencing NASA’s Opportunity rover, has now wrapped itself around the entirety of Mars, radically transforming the appearance of the Red Planet. Amateur astronomers are taking pictures of the storm through backyard telescopes, and even naked-eye observers say they can see changes in the planet’s color.” –SpaceWeather…
Eclipse Season: What that means, and what to do with it
This July, we move into Eclipse Season. The last eclipses we had were in January-February. We’ve got 2 solar eclipses (7/12, 8/11) this summer, and one lunar eclipse (7/27). The lunar eclipse will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the century. Eclipses are generally associated with beginnings and endings, and always herald a change….
Neptune Retrograde: Reassess Your Spiritual Practice!
Neptune, planet of inner exploration, creativity, and spirituality is going retrograde on June 18th until 11/24). Of course, he’s retrograde about half the year, every year, so this is not a cause for panic. Honestly, nothing astrological is ever a cause for panic, so if someone is giving you fear-based messaging about astrology, ignore them….
Anger and Fear
Anger and fear often go hand in hand. Here are some ways to use that to your advantage.
Astrology heads up for end of June
June 26 to July 10 will be an important few weeks. Here’s how to make the most of it!
New Moon in Taurus – Not What You’d Expect
Things may start getting (even more) unstable this week.
Our relationship to anger
In a vacuum, anger is merely a call to action, a push or surge of energy. If we don’t know that, we don’t know what to do with it.
Full Moon in Scorpio
This really is one of the more introverted Full Moons. Spend time journaling, go sit under a tree and listen to what your heart has to say, and/or clean out your closet.