Healing Requires Change

Many people ask for healing without really thinking about what it is they are asking. The quest for healing brings about change, and change is not always comfortable. I think what most people are actually asking for is comfort. That’s not my field. I can provide temporary relief for a condition, but that will always…

New Moon and More – astrological energies this week

New Moon in Scorpio at 15° 11/7/18 8:01am Pacific Sun in Scorpio Jupiter (sign of expansion) moves into it’s “home” sign of Sagittarius for the first time in 12 years We’re firmly in the pre-shadow of Mercury retrograde Saturn is in its own sign, Capricorn; Neptune in own sign, Pisces; Venus in her own sign,…

Heads up: Incoming solar activity again!

This note about solar activity came through my inbox today: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere, now directly facing Earth. A stream of solar wind escaping from the opening is expected to reach our planet during the late hours of Nov. 3rd, likely sparking minor G1-class geomagnetic storms…

Your World Is Your Reflection

From a Shamanic point of view, what you call reality is really just a Dreaming. You have likely heard this before, possibly from me, but what does that really mean? If you have done much reading on dreamwork, you know that, more often than not, dreams are a way for the mind to process our…

How to Make a Choice Between Anger and Fear

Anger, as I keep saying, is merely a call to action. Yes, it can mask other emotions, and it’s still a call to action. You can channel the passion and energy of your anger into empowered forward motion. Fear, on the other hand, is a call to inaction; when you are in fear, anxiety, or…

Using Emotions Effectively

Your emotions are the mind’s interpretation of the sensations that come from the chemical reactions in your body, which happen in response to stimulus. Someone says something to you, your chemistry reacts, you have a sensation, which gets interpreted by the mind and becomes an emotion. That emotion invokes thought patterns. You can choose to…