The Cross Quarter in the beginning of February

The beginning of February (2/4 this year) is one of the cross-quarters (the midpoint between a solstice and equinox) of the year. The two in May and November mark the thinning of the veil; some people know them as Beltaine (or May Day) and Samhain (or Halloween, or Dio De los Muertos, or All Saints…

The solar wind is coming! The solar wind is coming!

So, I received an alert from SpaceWeather: During solar minimum, long-lasting holes open in the sun’s atmosphere, releasing streams of solar wind into space. A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Polar geomagnetic storms are likely when the gaseous material arrives on…

The Matrix Talk Show: Predictions for 2019

On the 13th of January, I participated in a discussion with Richard Simon Kahn and Patricia Asheme Bankins on our forecasts for 2019. We seem to all be on the same page, which could be heartening or spooky, depending on your perspective.

A perfect time to change

Mars (action), Jupiter (expansion), Saturn (foundation, structure, boundaries), and Neptune (dream time, imagination) are all in their home signs.

Good news! I am able to take on some more clients!

I will no longer be in Malibu three days a week, which means I am more available for private clients. I will be conducting regular office hours at The Crystal Matrix Center in Atwater Village on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Reaching your goals is a measure of your effectiveness

As the calendar year changes over, a lot of people get more aware their goals. Something about deadlines, I suppose. We never seem to be as effective as we would like. Sometimes it’s because we set too lofty of a goal, sometimes we aren’t able to shift old patterns of behavior enough to effect a…

Water: Receptivity in Being

“And God looked out upon the Waters…” In many traditions, water predates Creation. It is the primordial beginning, the thing that begets life. In traditions that have a balanced masculine and feminine, Water, especially the ocean, is associated with the Goddess. The human body is 3/4 water. Consuming enough water increases our coping skills and…

The dangers of practicing plant medicine with poor supervision

I and a number of my colleagues have seen a surge in the number of clients seeking assistance post-Ayahuasca ceremony. Some people present as stuck in trauma trance, and their energy looks like broken mirror shards. The challenge is that many facilitators are not trained well enough, and it is dangerous.

What’s Kabbalah all about?

Kabbalah is a mystical philosophy, like Buddhism. It doesn’t conntradict belief systems; it works in concert with them. There are threads of Kabbalah throughout the Abrahaamic religions and Eastern philosophies. The teachings are designed to help the seeker to have an experience of the Divine.

Numerology and today’s date

Numerology is a fascinating practice. I find it more useful than astrology, in terms of being a personal descriptor, and it works extremely well in conjunction with astrology for forecasting over the long term. In fact, my forecast reports combine the two. Today’s date is a fascinating one. 2018 reduces (I’ll explain that term in…