The Magdalene on balance

Balance is important. Without access to the full spectrum of expression of a given thing, imbalance occurs, which means that the expression of that thing will be potentially problematic. In this abstract, this is either an obvious statement or completely incomprehensible, depending on the person. If you only ever exercise your lower leg by pointing…

Starting My Own Business: A Tarot Workshop Question

On the first Wednesday of the month, I offer a tarot playshop/workshop. We play with our intuitive sides, using various exercises. The idea is to become a better reader (even if you don’t even think of yourself as a reader) by developing a visual language with your cards. One of the exercises we do is…

Forecast for June 2019

The overarching pattern of the forecast for June suggests to me that the focus is on prosperity. Not necessarily on having it, but on paying attention, planing, evaluating your relationship to it, and holding space for it. If you do have it, be careful, conscious, and deliberate in how you use it. If you’re working…

The dilemma of spirituality

I truly believe that the reason people choose fundamentalist religion over more flexible belief structures is because they are easy. There is little, if any, self examination required, no experimentation to see how a concept feels or fits into your framework. You’re not expected to create or maintain a relationship with your spirituality beyond following…

Effective affirmations

Affirmations take more work than you might realize. Here’s how to navigate those waters.

A follow up to Saturday’s blog post about Solar Activity

On Saturday, I posted about an ongoing energy shift due to solar activity. According to SpaceWeather, the Sun is sending bursts of radio energy toward Earth strong enough to make audible noises in the loudspeakers of common shortwave receivers. That’s pretty strong. People are feeling uneasy. I have talked before about how the energy of…

Techniques for processing trauma and stress

On Monday I posited that we need to teach people to better process trauma and stress. How do we do that? Being present, being familiar with being present, and being able to bring oneself back into the present are a good place to start. Every time you ground and center yourself, you bring yourself more…

Understanding where the imbalance is

A friend of mine asked, in a fit of frustration, “What is wrong with people?” I suspect many of us ask that several times a week in various scenarios. Sometimes the problem is us, sometimes it is Them. Our frustration with other people boils down to not having an understanding of the root of the…

The Magdalene: How to shift with the energies going forward

From the 3/19/19 Channeling of The Magdalene: It is very important to not allow yourself to get stuck listening to the echoes of the old. What you’re hearing from the media and politicians is all echoes of the old. Echoes get distorted. It is not even old energy, it’s merely echoes. But if you let…

Spring Energies (from the March newsletter)

The Spring Equinox (3/20 21:58GMT) is about balance. The days and nights are equal in length right now (depending on where you live), and non-Christians around the world tend to celebrate fertility at this time. Even the secular version of Easter is all about fertility. Eggs! Bunnies! Springtime! To me, Spring is the beginning of…

Lent could be your opportunity for great growth

As a ceremonialist and a shaman, the patterns of how the various celebrations overlap around the world are also of interest to me. Most of the Christian celebrations, for example, are defined by the sun and the solar calendar, with the exception of Easter and its surrounding observations. Easter is a combination of solar and…