On Monday (11/11), Mercury will transit (cross) the Sun’s face. On the West Coast, it will start at 4:36am, peak at 7:20am, and finish at 10:04am. The next Mercury Transit won’t be until 2032. Yes yes, that’s only 12 years off, but still. So, this event is Mercury (conscious thought, communication) stepping between us and…
Category: Personal growth
Let me tell you about the Negative Ego
What some people call brain is more accurately “mind”. In Buddhist terms, it is the monkey mind. In Western Mystery Tradition it frequently gets labeled as the Negative Ego. In Twelve Step programs, they just call it ego, but that term is confusing, because Freud. The Negative Ego is that part of the Self that, when sabre…
You’re probably overwhelmed. Here’s why.
Last weekend I started feeling overwhelmed. It happens sometimes. Instead of getting better as I used my tools, though, the overwhelm kept increasing. By this weekend, I was almost incapable of getting things done and ended up eating froyo and binge watching TV. Core issues were coming up, and I wasn’t able to get an…
A Spiritual Pep Talk
Everything in the Universe in the Universe is constantly expanding and contracting. All matter is energy. All non-matter is energy. Energy is defined by it’s motion, which is a push and a pull, or expansion or contraction. So the Universe, and everything in it, is breathing. We might strive for balance, as well we should,…
What does it mean to do your best?
To do your best is to be present. I always start from the idea that either the Divine is everything or it is nothing (or, sometimes, it is both, but we’ll let that alone for now). If the Divine is everything, then you are a part of the Divine; what you are reading this on…
Tarot Reading for September 2019
Princess of Cups “A gentle, delicate being, the Princess of Cups is finely tuned to the watery world of emotions. Perhaps naively, she wants to believe that a Utopia is possible, a world that is abundant with love, light, and peace. When she discovers the world can be a dark and deadly realm, the shock…
The machinations and movement of Jupiter
Jupiter is my favorite planet, astrologically speaking. His energy reminds me of the Ghost of Christmas Present in A Christmas Carol, all expansive and jolly. It’s a friendly planet, and offsets the stick-in-the-mud energy of Saturn (to be fair, they are supposed to balance each other out, I just don’t like being told what to…
Working with your shadow self
As we ease into the darkening of the year, my Full Moon Women’s Circle will be focusing on the shadow or occult face of the Goddess. Of you can’t join us and would still like to explore making friends with those parts of yourself you would rather ignore, thereby becoming stronger and more integrated, this…
Why is the Internet important for change?
The Internet is a manifestation of the Fourth Dimension, what some people call the Astral. There is no time, no space, and you are not defined by race, heritage, gender, orientation, religion, or socioeconomic status unless you choose to be. This is not to say that you shouldn’t choose to be, only that you have…
Use the incoming solar wind for course correction
SpaceWeather says A large hourglass-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: August 5th-6th. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms and high-latitude auroras are possible when the gaseous material arrives. This solar wind will be hitting as we are moving into the energy of Lughnasadh,…
Grief and Personal Growth: A reading for 8/2019
The Five of Cups “I am inconsolable” From Davide De Angelis: “For this card to have impact, one does not have to be dealing with something catastrophic. It points to the fact that we all carry tremendous grief: ancestral grief, family grief, cultural grief, grief for our loss of innocence. Grief is part of the…
Dealing with Physical Pain
Everyone experiences physical pain at some point, to varying degrees. Our instinctual reaction to pain is one of alarm or fear, and a desire to get away from it. It makes sense – pain is supposed to be a danger signal in the body that says “STOP DOING THAT!” Energetically, we try to push it…