This post on the Divine Feminine was originally published on March 13, 2015. I’ve updated some links. I was talking to a colleague about the difference between the energies of the Feminine and Masculine Divine. The connection with the masculine is directed, linear, and outward; it has definable points. The connection with the feminine is…
Category: Personal growth
How to Win (a reading for April 2020)
The April newsletter didn’t offer a reading, so here it is: This month’s card is The Chariot (VII), from the Starman Tarot Davide and Esther say this about the card: The Chariot is the war vehicle that carries this dreadlocked Bowie-esque king forward to victory against his enemies. His battle-dress, demeanor, and maturity suggests he…
Stardate 03212020 – New Beginnings
The numerology of today is a 1 (add all those digits together). It is a number of new beginnings. We’re also coming up on a New Moon, also feed for new beginnings. What new skill will you learn today? What seeds will you plant today? What new project will you begin? What new habit will…
Discounted online sessions during the COVID-19 outbreak
As more and more people are dong their best to not spread the virus by staying home, I am doing my best to still make myself available to you. Keeping that in mind, for a limited time, I am offering discounts on online sessions of various services, as follows: Coaching – 20% off – Usually…
Creating a Personal Mission Statement during Mercury Retrograde
This is a continuation of ideas from Getting what you want from Mercury Retrograde… In order to use Mercury Retrograde to get where you want to go, it helps to know if the goals you think you have are actually in alignment with who you are, so you’re not working at cross purposes. A personal…
Getting what you want from Mercury Retrograde (part 1)
We are in the shadow of yet another Mercury Retrograde. Rather than rehash the same information again (you can get that here), I thought I’d talk about some of the possibilities. People always seem to focus on how Mercury gets in their way, and less on actually getting what the want from Mercury Retrograde. I…
Expanding Kabbalah
I’ve been teaching Kabbalah for almost 10 years, I think. It’s a universal system that transcends belief structures, but most of the information out there is based on Abrahamic tradition. I’ve got some Gnostic in me, so that part isn’t completely dissonant, and I still strive to find a way to present the information in…
Separating Fact From Fiction
The most useful thing that meditation gives us is the ability to separate fact from fiction. When we don’t have a regular (read: daily) practice of some sort of mindfulness, we take the stories our mind tells us as fact. I wrote about this extensively at the end of October. There is phrase some people…
Forecast: Looking Ahead to 2020 part 2 – Numerology
The numerology of 2020 is fascinating (part one of the forecast is here). 20/20 implies both balance and clarity. Seeing things clearly, soberly, without illusion. Understanding where the tipping point is. Carefully weighing the options. Being aware of our biases and privileges. Removing the zeros (which are associated with the All That Is) from 2020…
Cycles of the Goddess
In 2020, instead of doing a Full Moon Women’s Circle, I will be offering an online subscription program of Goddess-centric devotional material. All live sessions will be available via video conference and phone. The program will still incorporate some of Lasara Firefox Allen‘s work on the fivefold goddess model, as well as aiming to elevate…
Joy and Change: Moving Into the New Paradigm
It’s the last month of 2019! A few more holidays to get through and then we move into 2020, the year of (numerologically) Four! We are mid-paradigm shift, and this is the year the hard work really starts. We all feel like we’ve been working hard already, possibly even struggling, so it’s important to make…
Everyone is Deserving of Compassion
Compassion Definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. “the victims should be treated with compassion” synonyms: pity, sympathy, feeling, fellow feeling, empathy, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, soft-heartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth, love, brotherly love, tenderness, gentleness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, consideration, kindness, humanity, humaneness, kind-heartedness, charity, benevolence This…