Don’t let others dictate your well-being

Well, wasn’t January something? I want to suggest this meditative exercise for you. When you get stressed, anxious, fearful, angry, or any strong emotion that we perceive as negative, you leave your body somewhat, your chemistry shifts, you have less control, and it’s easier to get broadsided (again). That meditation is a way for you…

Love, Honor, and Respect (from the December Newsletter)

Wow. November was… something… Here we are in December now, or almost, depending on when you are reading this. and we need to look forward. We are still undergoing a Paradigm Shift. It may not look like it, but we are moving forward. The old Paradigm is holding on for dear life, and getting more…

Shifting into a 12-field system

Is it March that comes in like a lion out goes out like a lamb? This year I think it’s more coming in like a individualist and going out like a dreamer… See, we’re having an interesting phenomenon in the first half of the year where the planets, although they are moving, are bunching up,…

Walk Through the Doorway

Invitation The Essene Book of Days says “Samhain is the doorway to the sanctum sanctorum. Beyond this doorway lies the deep cavern of the Earth Mother’s womb, the creative abyss, from which grows all that is intuitive and contemplative and natural on this earth.” We are in Inanna’s Descent. Take a little bit of time…

Taking your power back during Mercury Retrograde

This post is excerpted from the September newsletter Humans are wired to notice the negative more than the positive. At one point in our evolution, it was a survival skill. The point might have been your childhood, but maybe you were lucky and it’s just an ancient ancestors thing. In any event, this tendency, which…

Looking into December 2021

December 2021 will be about finding the right questions to ask. Sometimes we aren’t getting clear answers because we’re not actually asking the right questions. Play with that a little. The month kicks off with Hanukah and a New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (12/4). Although there are some challenging planetary aspects here, Sag…

Honoring the Dead

Endings are as inevitable as beginnings. Change is the only constant. Death is a transition. Energy does not vanish. Grief is a natural reaction to endings. We grieve the end of chapters in our lives as well as the end of volumes. Our society is not particularly good at supporting that, so people can get…

The month ahead (July 2021)

About a year ago, I wrote “Expect August to be the hardest month of 2021”. So we’re moving toward that. In January, I recommended Spend at least 5 minutes a day generating the feeling you will have when the desired future is an actuality, taking action to create the new paradigm in which you want…

May 2021: The Veil Thins

May 2021: The Veil Thins… Most people don’t think of late spring as the time when the veil thins, but we are at the other side of the wheel from the end of October, and the veil thins here too. While in the autumn, everything is dying, in spring it comes alive, glorious and bursting…

Support yourself so you can support others

We all feel like we’ve been working hard already, possibly even struggling, so it’s important to make sure to recharge your batteries. You can’t support others if you don’t put your own oxygen mask on first. Support yourself; it makes you a good member of the community. So start by asking yourself what feeds you?…

The timeline possibilities – what’s in play?

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

The timeline possibilities going forward – intro

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…