Let’s look at the year in Solar chapters. January to the beginning of February is fraught with sabotage, real and perceived, a lot of illusion, and possible rioting in the Midwest. Take some time at the chapter shift to see how you can be of service to your best self; what tools do you have…
Category: Mysticism
Forecast for 2021 part 3
One of the potential outcomes of 2020-21 could be a 1920s surge of hedonism, as people start to move out from under the year of restriction. I would caution you to continue to be on your guard about your health and the health of your community until at least 2023. Let’s remember that the 1920s…
Forecast for 2021 part 2
From The timeline possibilities – peering into the future: 2021 is a 5 year, which symbolizes humanity reaching for the Divine. Sometimes this is a good thing. When we’re looking at major trends, though, it can also signify hopelessness and surrender, an understanding of one’s powerlessness, and a begging for supernatural assistance. I would really,…
Forecast for 2021 part 1
Before I even get into anything psychic, I’m going to point out that, listening to the experts, most people in the US aren’t going to have the opportunity to get vaccinated against Covid 19 until late spring, with younger children gaining access in late August at the earliest. The main study for children is actually…
New Moon, a Solar Eclipse, and The End of 2020
Before I talk about the Eclipse, let me just say that I think the reason people get so hung up on New Year’s resolutions isn’t because of the calendar so much as the Sagittarius New Moon. The energy of Sagittarius is always looking ahead. New Moon are about setting intentions. It all makes sense! Ok,…
Looking toward classes for 2021
Good grief, it’s mid November already. Still feels like March. How odd. As I tend to do around this time of year, I’m weighing and evaluating my offerings for the next calendar year (actually, looking through the archives, I may not have made a post like this since 2017). It’s going to be at least…
What in the World: Samhain Edition
This is our Halloween/Day of the Dead/Samhain edition! Spoopy! My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant, Teagan, says I should give y’all more resources, like links, and she and Dave put together this treasure trove for you: (1m00) When the veil thins. Extra paranormal activities or consumerism? The explanation of Halloween and its history throughout…
What in the World: Ley Lines and Sacred Space
In this episode, we talk some more about math, as well as Stonehenge, lay lines, and sacred sites around the world. My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant, Teagan, says I should give y’all more resources, like links, and she and Dave put together this treasure trove for you: (1:33) Is Math real? (3:26) Ayamanatara…
Ongoing geomagnetic storm increasing on September 29th
SpaceWeather issued this missive about geomagnetic activity over the weekend: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth, and it could spark the strongest geomagnetic storm in more than a year. NOAA forecasters say storm levels could reach category G2 (moderately strong) when the gaseous material arrives on Sept. 29th. Bright “equinox auroras” are already…
What in the The World: Oumuamua, plus Psychedelics
This episode is just me and Dave, Lisa was unable to join us. So the flavor might be a little different. We start off by talking about the space body Oumuamua, and move into DMT (internal and external), LSD, and Ecstacy. These may or may not be linked; you’ll have to figure it out for…
Forms of Healing: Acoustic Therapy
Forms of sound therapy have been used to facilitate healing for thousands of years around the world. Chanting, drumming, singing, and instrumentation can all create change in the body and mind. The ancient Greek mathematics mystic Pythagoras even developed a mathematically based musical scale that had such profound effects that it was brought to the…
September, and then October: Ancestors, Grief, and Stillness
I feel like we’re in wrap up and catch up energies currently. I’m sure part of it is the fact that we’re coming up on October, which is a grief month for me, so my own personal energy is more sluggish. Not to mention everything that’s going on in the world. You’ll remember, a few…