Forecast: Looking Ahead to 2020 part 2 – Numerology

The numerology of 2020 is fascinating (part one of the forecast is here). 20/20 implies both balance and clarity. Seeing things clearly, soberly, without illusion. Understanding where the tipping point is. Carefully weighing the options. Being aware of our biases and privileges. Removing the zeros (which are associated with the All That Is) from 2020…

Forecast: Looking Ahead to 2020

As I’m doing my 2020 forecasts for clients, a theme keeps coming up over and over again, and it came up in a student reading in Journey the Mystical Tarot as well. So I thought I would share the information here. This is a pivotal year world-wide. Numerologically, we are in a year of either…

Joy and Change: Moving Into the New Paradigm

It’s the last month of 2019! A few more holidays to get through and then we move into 2020, the year of (numerologically) Four! We are mid-paradigm shift, and this is the year the hard work really starts. We all feel like we’ve been working hard already, possibly even struggling, so it’s important to make…

Everyone is Deserving of Compassion

Compassion Definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. “the victims should be treated with compassion” synonyms: pity, sympathy, feeling, fellow feeling, empathy, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, soft-heartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth, love, brotherly love, tenderness, gentleness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, consideration, kindness, humanity, humaneness, kind-heartedness, charity, benevolence This…

The Magdalene on balance

Balance is important. Without access to the full spectrum of expression of a given thing, imbalance occurs, which means that the expression of that thing will be potentially problematic. In this abstract, this is either an obvious statement or completely incomprehensible, depending on the person. If you only ever exercise your lower leg by pointing…

Forecast for June 2019

The overarching pattern of the forecast for June suggests to me that the focus is on prosperity. Not necessarily on having it, but on paying attention, planing, evaluating your relationship to it, and holding space for it. If you do have it, be careful, conscious, and deliberate in how you use it. If you’re working…

The dilemma of spirituality

I truly believe that the reason people choose fundamentalist religion over more flexible belief structures is because they are easy. There is little, if any, self examination required, no experimentation to see how a concept feels or fits into your framework. You’re not expected to create or maintain a relationship with your spirituality beyond following…

Hey, look! I got press!

A while back, I did an interview with VoyageLA Magazine. It has made its way to the public! Excerpts: Both my personal and work practices are a synthesis of my studies, from a distinct Shamanistic viewpoint that honors the masculine and the feminine, with a focus on community, equality, and empowerment. What that looks like…

Techniques for processing trauma and stress

On Monday I posited that we need to teach people to better process trauma and stress. How do we do that? Being present, being familiar with being present, and being able to bring oneself back into the present are a good place to start. Every time you ground and center yourself, you bring yourself more…

Understanding where the imbalance is

A friend of mine asked, in a fit of frustration, “What is wrong with people?” I suspect many of us ask that several times a week in various scenarios. Sometimes the problem is us, sometimes it is Them. Our frustration with other people boils down to not having an understanding of the root of the…

The search for abundance

The Daily Message for today (as I’m writing this, anyway) was about Abundance, which was really timely, because I had let me head get stuck in the illusion of lack. Luckily, I hadn’t gotten so stuck in fear that I wasn’t seeing clues when they get dropped, so I read the whole post. For those…