The timeline possibilities – finishing out 2020

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

The timeline possibilities – forecast through September 2020

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

The timeline possibilities – what’s in play?

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

The timeline possibilities going forward – intro

Spirit asked me to look at the timeline possibilities going forward. I want to preface this by saying that (a) anyone who tells you they can accurately predict the future is trying to sell you something and (b) the farther away from NOW one tries to look (when looking forward), the less chance for accuracy…

What in the World: Pandemic, Protest, Planets, and more!

In this episode, we talk about the pandemic and global outlook, mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have, and any other esoteric mysteries that catch our fancy. Ayamanatara has guests come and ask her questions or…

Looking forward to May 2020

(This post is a combination of two articles from my May 2020 newsletter) Blessed Beltane! Beltane (falls on 5/5/20) is the midway point between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice (in the Northern half of the globe) and is also one of the two times a year when the veil is at its thinnest. In…

Spirituality and Late-Stage Capitalism

The relationship between Spirituality and money is complicated, and was long before we entered this phase of late-stage capitalism. The image for this post is from my Daily Messages (January 25th). The text reads: Abundance just is. Much like gravity, it just exists within the universe. Lack, its assumed opposite, is simply the illusion of…

Feminine Divine and the Soul (repost)

This post on the Divine Feminine was originally published on March 13, 2015. I’ve updated some links. I was talking to a colleague about the difference between the energies of the Feminine and Masculine Divine. The connection with the masculine is directed, linear, and outward; it has definable points. The connection with the feminine is…

What in the World: Sacred Math, Angkor Wat, and Colonization

In this episode, we talk Sacred geometry, Sacred Numbers, and Sacred Math; reality as a hologram; remembering where we came from; Angkor Wat; and Colonization… mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have, and any other esoteric…

How to Win (a reading for April 2020)

The April newsletter didn’t offer a reading, so here it is: This month’s card is The Chariot (VII), from the Starman Tarot Davide and Esther say this about the card: The Chariot is the war vehicle that carries this dreadlocked Bowie-esque king forward to victory against his enemies. His battle-dress, demeanor, and maturity suggests he…

Stardate 03212020 – New Beginnings

The numerology of today is a 1 (add all those digits together). It is a number of new beginnings. We’re also coming up on a New Moon, also feed for new beginnings. What new skill will you learn today? What seeds will you plant today? What new project will you begin? What new habit will…

Separating Fact From Fiction

The most useful thing that meditation gives us is the ability to separate fact from fiction. When we don’t have a regular (read: daily) practice of some sort of mindfulness, we take the stories our mind tells us as fact. I wrote about this extensively at the end of October. There is phrase some people…