Using the Cycles of the Moon to your Advantage

Harnessing the power of the cycles of the moon will increase your effectiveness. Everything in the Universe has an ebb and a flow, a waxing and waning, an inhale and an exhale. Tap into that.

New Moon and More – astrological energies this week

New Moon in Scorpio at 15° 11/7/18 8:01am Pacific Sun in Scorpio Jupiter (sign of expansion) moves into it’s “home” sign of Sagittarius for the first time in 12 years We’re firmly in the pre-shadow of Mercury retrograde Saturn is in its own sign, Capricorn; Neptune in own sign, Pisces; Venus in her own sign,…

Stay alert, rapid change may be afoot

This weekend brings the New Moon in Virgo (12:02pm Pacific on Sunday 9/9/18). I will point out that there is a triple nine aspect to this new moon, although technically it’s 9-9-11 (which is also fascinating). Either way, there’s a strong “leveling up” energy inherent in this New Moon. Endings of mundane cycles and beginnings…

Full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces

I’m not going to be able to do Circle this month for the Full Moon, so this is a virtual offering instead. According to Darkstar Astrology, “The full moon forms the backbone of a kite (Inside a grand earth trine) The moon is also part of a yod to the North Node.” This prompted me…

New Moon in Cancer & first eclipse of the season!

Tonight: Solar Eclipse New Moon @ 20 Cancer at 7:48pm Pacific First the jargon: It’s a partial eclipse, not viewable from North America, and happens at the same time that the Moon goes Void of Course. Mars is conjunct the South Node. The Moon is exactly opposite Pluto in Capricorn. There is a Water Grand…

Full Moon in Scorpio

This really is one of the more introverted Full Moons. Spend time journaling, go sit under a tree and listen to what your heart has to say, and/or clean out your closet.

Make your own Altar Broom

For the Full Moon Women’s Circle at the beginning of March, we made magickal altar brooms to help clear away those things that no longer serve us, sort of an energetic spring cleaning. This altar broom is mine – it has wheat for abundance rose petals for love sage for clearing fennel to connect with…