Navigating the Paradigm Shift at the Full Moon in Gemini

This weekend is the Gemini Full Moon. Full Moon, in general, is a time of heightened emotions and things previously hidden coming to light. Our inner world, our body, reflects out into the world. From a Shamanic point of view, the world is always a reflection of our inner processes, but it takes on a…

The current energies of the paradigm shift

I’ve been talking a lot about the current energies in my weekly forecasts on Patreon, and in my moon observances (New Moon Ritual Meditation, Shamanic Journey, and Full Moon Goddess Circle), but I keep neglecting to come over here to the blog and tell you about them. I dictated this very long post the other…

Healing crisis – A short channeling about current energies

I suggest that you see current events as a healing crisis, as opposed to something that’s really f’ed up (because on the 3D level, it is absolutely f’ed up). When you’re in an illness, sometimes right before you get better, there’s this deep dive into just this ick. So think of this as a healing…

[Meditation] Planetary Alignment

I’ve uploaded a new meditation for planetary alignment; it’s especially good during Mercury Retrograde. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel every…

Aries New Moon: goals into action

What are your short term goals for the next month? Do you have any stretch goals? This is the best New Moon to set intentions and immediately carry those goals into action. Chiron, the wounded healer, Mercury, who governs the mind, the Sun, and the Moon are all in go-getter Aries. The Aries New Moon…

What in the World: Our Moon, Mars, and Magic No. 36

In this episode, we talk about Magic Number 36, our moon, and Mars… Mostly… My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant, Teagan, says I should give y’all more resources, like links, and she put together this treasure trove for you: (54 sec) Astrophysicists – The Guardian Article The magic number is 36 – The number…

Stardate 03212020 – New Beginnings

The numerology of today is a 1 (add all those digits together). It is a number of new beginnings. We’re also coming up on a New Moon, also feed for new beginnings. What new skill will you learn today? What seeds will you plant today? What new project will you begin? What new habit will…

Cycles of the Goddess

In 2020, instead of doing a Full Moon Women’s Circle, I will be offering an online subscription program of Goddess-centric devotional material. All live sessions will be available via video conference and phone. The program will still incorporate some of Lasara Firefox Allen‘s work on the fivefold goddess model, as well as aiming to elevate…

You’re probably overwhelmed. Here’s why.

Last weekend I started feeling overwhelmed. It happens sometimes. Instead of getting better as I used my tools, though, the overwhelm kept increasing. By this weekend, I was almost incapable of getting things done and ended up eating froyo and binge watching TV. Core issues were coming up, and I wasn’t able to get an…