[Monday Message] The Miracle of Manifestation

One of the keys to manifestation is to allow for the possibility that a miracle could occur. Miracle: /ˈmirək(ə)l/ noun – a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or…

[Monday Message] Change Your Mind and Change Your World

Do you want to have an ordinary life? Or do you want to have an extraordinary life? If you want to have an extraordinary life, you may need to change your world. It’s easier than you might think. First of all, let me be clear. An extraordinary life is not about how it looks to…

Looking toward classes for 2021

Good grief, it’s mid November already. Still feels like March. How odd. As I tend to do around this time of year, I’m weighing and evaluating my offerings for the next calendar year (actually, looking through the archives, I may not have made a post like this since 2017). It’s going to be at least…

What in the World: Ley Lines and Sacred Space

In this episode, we talk some more about math, as well as Stonehenge, lay lines, and sacred sites around the world. My ever fabulous Social Media Marketing Assistant, Teagan, says I should give y’all more resources, like links, and she and Dave put together this treasure trove for you: (1:33) Is Math real? (3:26) Ayamanatara…

Sun Rerun: Why Is the Internet Important for Change?

Considering how much time all of us are spending online right now, I thought this might be a good time to repost this article on using the Internet for change. The Internet is a manifestation of the Fourth Dimension, what some people call the Astral. There is no time, no space, and you are not…

What in the World: Sacred Math, Angkor Wat, and Colonization

In this episode, we talk Sacred geometry, Sacred Numbers, and Sacred Math; reality as a hologram; remembering where we came from; Angkor Wat; and Colonization… mostly. What In The World…? is a podcast that covers metaphysics, ancient civilizations, archeological digs, alien contact, angels, deities, folks with better technology that we have, and any other esoteric…

Getting what you want from Mercury Retrograde (part 1)

We are in the shadow of yet another Mercury Retrograde. Rather than rehash the same information again (you can get that here), I thought I’d talk about some of the possibilities. People always seem to focus on how Mercury gets in their way, and less on actually getting what the want from Mercury Retrograde. I…

There is more than one way to bear fruit

This year, in my Full Moon Women’s Circle, we have been working with the information from Lasara Firefox Allen’s book, Jailbreaking the Goddess. In it, she encourages us to look beyond biology so that we can rehumanize women in our society. As long as women are defined by their “usefulness” to society (through childbearing and…

Why is the Internet important for change?

The Internet is a manifestation of the Fourth Dimension, what some people call the Astral. There is no time, no space, and you are not defined by race, heritage, gender, orientation, religion, or socioeconomic status unless you choose to be. This is not to say that you shouldn’t choose to be, only that you have…

Pagan Astrological Celebrations and Observances

Every tradition that I know of has sacred days they observe and honor. There are many variations in observances under the large umbrella of Paganism; a good rule of thumb, though, is to look at the Solar and Lunar cycles as guides. The Lunar Cycle is 28.25(ish) days long and run from New Moon to…

An Invocation of Hermes to Protect Immigrants

I don’t make a habit of reposting things by other authors wholesale link this, but this is important to get out to as wide an audience as quickly as possible. Original post here: https://medium.com/@michaelmhughes/all-one-family-an-invocation-of-hermes-to-protect-immigrants-78d233a82b4b A spell to protect immigrants and refugees, especially those fleeing harm, and to encourage global fellowship and healing via the invocation…