Soup for what ails you
Category: Health
The solar wind is coming! The solar wind is coming!
So, I received an alert from SpaceWeather: During solar minimum, long-lasting holes open in the sun’s atmosphere, releasing streams of solar wind into space. A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Polar geomagnetic storms are likely when the gaseous material arrives on…
The dangers of practicing plant medicine with poor supervision
I and a number of my colleagues have seen a surge in the number of clients seeking assistance post-Ayahuasca ceremony. Some people present as stuck in trauma trance, and their energy looks like broken mirror shards. The challenge is that many facilitators are not trained well enough, and it is dangerous.
Healing Requires Change
Many people ask for healing without really thinking about what it is they are asking. The quest for healing brings about change, and change is not always comfortable. I think what most people are actually asking for is comfort. That’s not my field. I can provide temporary relief for a condition, but that will always…
Heading into the Holidays
As the daylight wanes, and our nights get longer, we begin to move inward. Home seems more enticing. Small gatherings, with people we feel warmly towards, are more interesting to us than loud, raucous affairs. And yet, we are expected to be social, to go shopping, to attend All The Things. It is no wonder…
Heads up: Incoming solar activity again!
This note about solar activity came through my inbox today: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere, now directly facing Earth. A stream of solar wind escaping from the opening is expected to reach our planet during the late hours of Nov. 3rd, likely sparking minor G1-class geomagnetic storms…
Case Study: The Emotional Root Cause of Kidney Issues
I have enough Shamanism and Healing students that read this blog, for whom this information would be helpful, and I find that sometimes other people are intrigued by the emotional root cause of disease as well. Let’s say a 48 year old person presents with kidney issues; it doesn’t really matter what type. We know…
Our relationship to anger
In a vacuum, anger is merely a call to action, a push or surge of energy. If we don’t know that, we don’t know what to do with it.
What is your health telling you right now?
There’s a flu epidemic, you might have noticed. The flu, when we are talking about the ailment that affects the respiratory system, is about life change. At least in Southern California, there seems to be a potent stomach bug going around as well; that is more about processing and releasing. As I noted in last…
The Power of Water
Water is the basis for everything.
Sound Therapy: Opportunities for More Study
Forms of sound therapy have been used to facilitate healing for thousands of years around the world. Chanting, drumming, singing, and instrumentation can all create change in the body and mind. The ancient Greek mathematics mystic Pythagoras even developed a mathematically based musical scale that had such profound effects that it was brought to the…
Oh, that wacky sky energy…
Feeling edgy or anxious? We’ve got a few things going on. (1) This New Moon in Scorpio has some prickly energy associated with it. Best to do some writing, meditating, and/or general introspection. Just be prepared, it might get heavy. Better than not doing it, though. (2) This week Earth has been moving through a…