Using Emotions Effectively

Your emotions are the mind’s interpretation of the sensations that come from the chemical reactions in your body, which happen in response to stimulus. Someone says something to you, your chemistry reacts, you have a sensation, which gets interpreted by the mind and becomes an emotion. That emotion invokes thought patterns. You can choose to…

Shamanic Practitioner Certification 2019

In 2017, I offered a pilot program, training Shamanic Practitioners. It was a success, and I have been asked to offer it again. With some additional experiential knowledge under my belt, I have revamped it somewhat and will indeed be offering the program again in 2019. Additionally, I will be bringing back my series in…

A Healing Meditation from Miriam of Magdala

recorded 7/22/18 If you enjoyed this… Beginning in September, I will be offering a monthly event that will be part meditation, part channeling, and part discussion. Miriam of Magdala, the Magdalene, Watchtower of the Teachings, Ethiopian Queen, she who anointed Jeshua Messiah, She who heard teachings no one else did, the Goddess of the Gospels….

The Masks of Anger

Anger frequently masks other emotions, especially if we had parents and peers who didn’t do emotion well when we were children. Here are some solutions to re-empower yourself.

The dust storm on Mars: symbolism and paradigm shift

“A martian dust storm that started in late May, silencing NASA’s Opportunity rover, has now wrapped itself around the entirety of Mars, radically transforming the appearance of the Red Planet. Amateur astronomers are taking pictures of the storm through backyard telescopes, and even naked-eye observers say they can see changes in the planet’s color.” –SpaceWeather…

Summer Harvest

Summer Harvest, otherwise known as cutting things back a bit, is underway in the Faery Garden. The Elder had taken over the sidewalk again, the Rosemary was encroaching on the Lavender, the one Lavender bush was taking over a path, the Citronella was taking over a different path, the Fennel was doing what fennel does,…

Neptune Retrograde: Reassess Your Spiritual Practice!

Neptune, planet of inner exploration, creativity, and spirituality is going retrograde on June 18th until 11/24). Of course, he’s retrograde about half the year, every year, so this is not a cause for panic. Honestly, nothing astrological is ever a cause for panic, so if someone is giving you fear-based messaging about astrology, ignore them….

Anger and Fear

Anger and fear often go hand in hand. Here are some ways to use that to your advantage.

Case Study: The Emotional Root Cause of Kidney Issues

I have enough Shamanism and Healing students that read this blog, for whom this information would be helpful, and I find that sometimes other people are intrigued by the emotional root cause of disease as well. Let’s say a 48 year old person presents with kidney issues; it doesn’t really matter what type. We know…