Soup for what ails you
Category: Healing
The solar wind is coming! The solar wind is coming!
So, I received an alert from SpaceWeather: During solar minimum, long-lasting holes open in the sun’s atmosphere, releasing streams of solar wind into space. A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Polar geomagnetic storms are likely when the gaseous material arrives on…
Feeling low? This might be why…
If you’re feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or fatigued, here are some explanations and, more importantly, some solutions.
Good news! I am able to take on some more clients!
I will no longer be in Malibu three days a week, which means I am more available for private clients. I will be conducting regular office hours at The Crystal Matrix Center in Atwater Village on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
The dangers of practicing plant medicine with poor supervision
I and a number of my colleagues have seen a surge in the number of clients seeking assistance post-Ayahuasca ceremony. Some people present as stuck in trauma trance, and their energy looks like broken mirror shards. The challenge is that many facilitators are not trained well enough, and it is dangerous.
Healing Requires Change
Many people ask for healing without really thinking about what it is they are asking. The quest for healing brings about change, and change is not always comfortable. I think what most people are actually asking for is comfort. That’s not my field. I can provide temporary relief for a condition, but that will always…
The Full Moon Women’s Circle is shifting
We will be using Jailbreaking the Goddess as a foundation for the Full Moon Women’s Circle in 2019
October is for releasing and ancestors
I have been so focused on getting everything together for my 2019 classes, and doing current marketing, and actually teaching the classes currently on the schedule, that I have completely forgotten to post. Sorry about that. I feel like we’re in wrap up and catch up energies currently. I’m sure part of it is the…
How to Make a Choice Between Anger and Fear
Anger, as I keep saying, is merely a call to action. Yes, it can mask other emotions, and it’s still a call to action. You can channel the passion and energy of your anger into empowered forward motion. Fear, on the other hand, is a call to inaction; when you are in fear, anxiety, or…
Remember that you have a choice
Use September’s Full Moon for empowerment
Stepping out of the ordinary
Change your environment to more easily change your life
Powering Your Equinox Projects with the Sun
Every Autumnal Equinox, cracks appear in the Earth’s magnetic field. Use the energy to your advantage!