Let me tell you about the Negative Ego

What some people call brain is more accurately “mind”. In Buddhist terms, it is the monkey mind. In Western Mystery Tradition it frequently gets labeled as the Negative Ego. In Twelve Step programs, they just call it ego, but that term is confusing, because Freud. The Negative Ego is that part of the Self that, when sabre…

There is more than one way to bear fruit

This year, in my Full Moon Women’s Circle, we have been working with the information from Lasara Firefox Allen’s book, Jailbreaking the Goddess. In it, she encourages us to look beyond biology so that we can rehumanize women in our society. As long as women are defined by their “usefulness” to society (through childbearing and…

Reading for October – We are of the Earth

Queen of Pentacles from The Starman Tarot by Davide and Esther De Angelis “We are all part of Mother Earth: an indivisible, living community of interconnected systems. Evidence of exploitation and contamination of the lands, over the years, has lead to corrosive deterioration and destruction, threatening the diversity of life, including our own. If we…

You’re probably overwhelmed. Here’s why.

Last weekend I started feeling overwhelmed. It happens sometimes. Instead of getting better as I used my tools, though, the overwhelm kept increasing. By this weekend, I was almost incapable of getting things done and ended up eating froyo and binge watching TV. Core issues were coming up, and I wasn’t able to get an…

Why is the Internet important for change?

The Internet is a manifestation of the Fourth Dimension, what some people call the Astral. There is no time, no space, and you are not defined by race, heritage, gender, orientation, religion, or socioeconomic status unless you choose to be. This is not to say that you shouldn’t choose to be, only that you have…

Dealing with Physical Pain

Everyone experiences physical pain at some point, to varying degrees. Our instinctual reaction to pain is one of alarm or fear, and a desire to get away from it. It makes sense – pain is supposed to be a danger signal in the body that says “STOP DOING THAT!” Energetically, we try to push it…

Forecast for June 2019

The overarching pattern of the forecast for June suggests to me that the focus is on prosperity. Not necessarily on having it, but on paying attention, planing, evaluating your relationship to it, and holding space for it. If you do have it, be careful, conscious, and deliberate in how you use it. If you’re working…

The dilemma of spirituality

I truly believe that the reason people choose fundamentalist religion over more flexible belief structures is because they are easy. There is little, if any, self examination required, no experimentation to see how a concept feels or fits into your framework. You’re not expected to create or maintain a relationship with your spirituality beyond following…

Effective affirmations

Affirmations take more work than you might realize. Here’s how to navigate those waters.

Techniques for processing trauma and stress

On Monday I posited that we need to teach people to better process trauma and stress. How do we do that? Being present, being familiar with being present, and being able to bring oneself back into the present are a good place to start. Every time you ground and center yourself, you bring yourself more…

Understanding where the imbalance is

A friend of mine asked, in a fit of frustration, “What is wrong with people?” I suspect many of us ask that several times a week in various scenarios. Sometimes the problem is us, sometimes it is Them. Our frustration with other people boils down to not having an understanding of the root of the…

Lent could be your opportunity for great growth

As a ceremonialist and a shaman, the patterns of how the various celebrations overlap around the world are also of interest to me. Most of the Christian celebrations, for example, are defined by the sun and the solar calendar, with the exception of Easter and its surrounding observations. Easter is a combination of solar and…