Today’s message from the Labyrinth is to simplify your life. How do you go about doing that? Do you have a metric you use? What gets in the way for you?
Category: Healing
Pantheacon: Saturday Wrap Up
A run down of day 2 at Pantheacon 2016.
Winter Solstice into Full Moon
A look at the juxtaposition of Solstice and the Full Moon, and what that might mean for your awareness. Forewarned is forarmed.
If You Are Human, We Are All Human
Stop letting people and the media dehumanize people. Stop letting them dehumanize you by stoking your fears. Stand up for humanity.
Unity and Separation
Tis the season to look at the world differently
This is not about politics. This is not about religion.
When confronted with Other, seek unity, equality, and compassion. When confronted with someone who is different than us, acknowledge and honor the differences and seek common ground. See the person in front of you, or across the globe, as an individual, not as their race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, or socioeconomic status.
Healing, Life Change, and Shifting Paradigms
Meander with me through processing a current illness and arriving at self-realization and a plan.
The Mayo Clinic defines perimenopause as “the time period during which a woman’s body makes its natural transition toward permanent infertility (menopause). ” So it’s the transitional phase. Here are some ideas about how to traverse this phase gracefully.
Not-Quite-Weekly Wrap Up
Some reading material: New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy I’m linking to this mainly because the reasoning for Batman & Robin being pagan tickles me The Language of Grief What it means to hold space for someone Astrology : Optimism and dreams vs cold hard reality
More Reminders to Self Care
This week’s link list is yet another reminder to practice self care, because it’s really super important right now. Here are more tips and tools, and some data to back it up.
Storytelling and Story Listening
Storytelling as a healing art, and how to listen.
What Do We Mean When We Say Paradigm Shift?
Everybody is talking about paradigm shift, and has been for quite some time, but what does that mean, and where are we going? For the past 2000-some-odd-years, we have been entrenched to some degree in masculine, linear energy, in the push of the push-pull flow of energy. Action, linear, logic (or illusory logic), hard edges,…