The Next 4 Weeks of Guided Meditations

Since 2019, I have been offering Guided Meditations by donation at noon Pacific on Tuesdays. For a while, during quarantine, I was also offering them on Thursday evenings. Interest has been dwindling, and I am trying to decide if my attention is better used helping people in other ways. For now, here are the next…

The Magdalene

July 22nd is the feast day of Mary Magdalene. The information about Her handed down by The Church is faulty at best. As Hers is an energy I work with, I thought I would share some of my information. The Magdalene was a Queen, mystically trained, from northeastern Africa, the area called Ethiopia, whose borders…

Remember the Black Arts Ice Cream Social?

First gathering will be Sunday the 24th. Tell your friends! A number of years ago, in The Beforetimes, there was a monthly gathering affectionately called The Black Arts Ice Cream Social. It was a monthly gathering in the Los Angeles area that sought to create a strong sense of community for spiritually-minded people who may…

Looking toward classes for 2021

Good grief, it’s mid November already. Still feels like March. How odd. As I tend to do around this time of year, I’m weighing and evaluating my offerings for the next calendar year (actually, looking through the archives, I may not have made a post like this since 2017). It’s going to be at least…

Forms of Healing: Acoustic Therapy

Forms of sound therapy have been used to facilitate healing for thousands of years around the world. Chanting, drumming, singing, and instrumentation can all create change in the body and mind. The ancient Greek mathematics mystic Pythagoras even developed a mathematically based musical scale that had such profound effects that it was brought to the…

Cycles of the Goddess

In 2020, instead of doing a Full Moon Women’s Circle, I will be offering an online subscription program of Goddess-centric devotional material. All live sessions will be available via video conference and phone. The program will still incorporate some of Lasara Firefox Allen‘s work on the fivefold goddess model, as well as aiming to elevate…

Working with your shadow self

As we ease into the darkening of the year, my Full Moon Women’s Circle will be focusing on the shadow or occult face of the Goddess. Of you can’t join us and would still like to explore making friends with those parts of yourself you would rather ignore, thereby becoming stronger and more integrated, this…

Psychic Protection is foundational, empowering information

A lot of people get annoyed when they want to study with me and I tell them they need to take my Psychic Protection class first. They argue that they already know the information. They argue they just want to learn The Thing. Sometimes they just wander off. Psychic Protection is a prerequisite for so…

October is for releasing and ancestors

I have been so focused on getting everything together for my 2019 classes, and doing current marketing, and actually teaching the classes currently on the schedule, that I have completely forgotten to post. Sorry about that. I feel like we’re in wrap up and catch up energies currently. I’m sure part of it is the…

How to Make a Choice Between Anger and Fear

Anger, as I keep saying, is merely a call to action. Yes, it can mask other emotions, and it’s still a call to action. You can channel the passion and energy of your anger into empowered forward motion. Fear, on the other hand, is a call to inaction; when you are in fear, anxiety, or…