Joy and Change: Moving Into the New Paradigm

It’s the last month of 2019! A few more holidays to get through and then we move into 2020, the year of (numerologically) Four! We are mid-paradigm shift, and this is the year the hard work really starts. We all feel like we’ve been working hard already, possibly even struggling, so it’s important to make…

Everyone is Deserving of Compassion

Compassion Definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. “the victims should be treated with compassion” synonyms: pity, sympathy, feeling, fellow feeling, empathy, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, soft-heartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth, love, brotherly love, tenderness, gentleness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, consideration, kindness, humanity, humaneness, kind-heartedness, charity, benevolence This…

Reading for October – We are of the Earth

Queen of Pentacles from The Starman Tarot by Davide and Esther De Angelis “We are all part of Mother Earth: an indivisible, living community of interconnected systems. Evidence of exploitation and contamination of the lands, over the years, has lead to corrosive deterioration and destruction, threatening the diversity of life, including our own. If we…

A Spiritual Pep Talk

Everything in the Universe in the Universe is constantly expanding and contracting. All matter is energy. All non-matter is energy. Energy is defined by it’s motion, which is a push and a pull, or expansion or contraction. So the Universe, and everything in it, is breathing. We might strive for balance, as well we should,…

Fabric arts ritual with an activist purpose

Back in July, I posted a ritual (not mine) to help protect immigrants. With all the hubub around Title X funds, I would like to offer you another ritual, this time from Crafting Change, for Abortion Patients, Providers, and Protectors. What you will need: * A quiet space to do this work * That which…

Why is the Internet important for change?

The Internet is a manifestation of the Fourth Dimension, what some people call the Astral. There is no time, no space, and you are not defined by race, heritage, gender, orientation, religion, or socioeconomic status unless you choose to be. This is not to say that you shouldn’t choose to be, only that you have…

An Invocation of Hermes to Protect Immigrants

I don’t make a habit of reposting things by other authors wholesale link this, but this is important to get out to as wide an audience as quickly as possible. Original post here: A spell to protect immigrants and refugees, especially those fleeing harm, and to encourage global fellowship and healing via the invocation…

The dilemma of spirituality

I truly believe that the reason people choose fundamentalist religion over more flexible belief structures is because they are easy. There is little, if any, self examination required, no experimentation to see how a concept feels or fits into your framework. You’re not expected to create or maintain a relationship with your spirituality beyond following…

Techniques for processing trauma and stress

On Monday I posited that we need to teach people to better process trauma and stress. How do we do that? Being present, being familiar with being present, and being able to bring oneself back into the present are a good place to start. Every time you ground and center yourself, you bring yourself more…

Understanding where the imbalance is

A friend of mine asked, in a fit of frustration, “What is wrong with people?” I suspect many of us ask that several times a week in various scenarios. Sometimes the problem is us, sometimes it is Them. Our frustration with other people boils down to not having an understanding of the root of the…

Spring Energies (from the March newsletter)

The Spring Equinox (3/20 21:58GMT) is about balance. The days and nights are equal in length right now (depending on where you live), and non-Christians around the world tend to celebrate fertility at this time. Even the secular version of Easter is all about fertility. Eggs! Bunnies! Springtime! To me, Spring is the beginning of…