Don’t let others dictate your well-being

Well, wasn’t January something? I want to suggest this meditative exercise for you. When you get stressed, anxious, fearful, angry, or any strong emotion that we perceive as negative, you leave your body somewhat, your chemistry shifts, you have less control, and it’s easier to get broadsided (again). That meditation is a way for you…

It’s September Again!

September is often intense for people. As I looked at this year, back in March, August looked like it might be the most intense month of the year overall. Because of how numerology works, however, September will always be an amplification of the themes of a year. And now, I’m sorry, but I’m going to…

What is your wheel? (Part 1)

Your “wheel” helps you see where you are in the world. It enhances your strengths and bolsters your weaknesses. It can show you your path. It can protect you. There is this tendency for a teacher or an author to say “this plant/element/color/critter/season is in the North and this one is in the East, this…

Shifting into a 12-field system

Is it March that comes in like a lion out goes out like a lamb? This year I think it’s more coming in like a individualist and going out like a dreamer… See, we’re having an interesting phenomenon in the first half of the year where the planets, although they are moving, are bunching up,…

The current energies of the paradigm shift

I’ve been talking a lot about the current energies in my weekly forecasts on Patreon, and in my moon observances (New Moon Ritual Meditation, Shamanic Journey, and Full Moon Goddess Circle), but I keep neglecting to come over here to the blog and tell you about them. I dictated this very long post the other…

Healing crisis – A short channeling about current energies

I suggest that you see current events as a healing crisis, as opposed to something that’s really f’ed up (because on the 3D level, it is absolutely f’ed up). When you’re in an illness, sometimes right before you get better, there’s this deep dive into just this ick. So think of this as a healing…

What is DBT and why is it on my calendar?

Sometimes I offer classes, like DBT, that don’t seem like they belong with the rest of my offerings. There’s always a reason though. [Also, to be clear, this is not me leading a class so much as holding space for a peer-led group. I am not a state-licensed therapist and anyone in the group also…

[Meditation] Radiating Empowerment

I have uploaded a new meditation to my YouTube Channel to help you radiate empowerment. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new meditation to my YouTube channel…

[Meditation] Taking Your Energy Back From The Past

I have uploaded a new meditation to my YouTube Channel to help you take your energy back from the past. I’d love to hear (read) about your experience with it. Please share it with people who might need it! Commenting, liking and subscribing over at You Tube is also helpful, thanks! I upload a new…

[Monday Message] Change Your Reality

What is reality, anyway? There’s a scientific theory, yet to be disproved, that space-time, the fabric of the universe and apparently the backdrop against which reality plays out, is a hologram (here’s another link in case you don’t subscribe to New Scientist). As a Shaman, I see no falsehood in the idea. To me, all…

[Monday Message] Exercising free will

Every person with a physical body has a Negative Ego. This is a part of us that is a holdover from the time of little technology and lots of predators above our weight class, so to speak. The Negative Ego told us “don’t leave the cave, and you won’t get eaten.” While it’s a fear-based…

[Monday Message] Hesitation

When you think about going after your goals, what stops you? Where is the hesitation? What is the fear? You are a cell in The Body Divine. Everything is in perfect order if you allow it to be. Fear is the illusion that this is not so. If you knew that, simply by committing yourself…