Every year, for the past 13 (this will be my 14th), at the end of the summer I have packed up and headed for the desert. I tend to just tell people I’m going on retreat, because that’s what it is for me. I’m off the grid, dealing with extreme weather conditions, in sacred space….
Category: Community
Weekly Roundup of Web Links
As I putter around the virtual world of information, I come across posts and articles that I want to share with you. It got to be so much, I’ve created a weekly post so all the web links are in one place… Have fun! How to show love to someone with depression 10 (actually good)…
Web of Information
It’s the late-night blogs, written when my household is asleep, that can give you insight into my motivations, my values, and how my mind works. They’re not generally the well thought out entries, the ones that get researched and planned. No, these posts are off the cuff, welling up from the darkness, still oozing the…
Weekly roundup of web links
As I surf the web, I find links that need sharing. This is where I do that, most Fridays… Things you don’t owe anyone, even if you think you do Think about how you think The Epic of Gilgamesh, sung in Ancient Sumerian Why some of your best ideas may come to you in the…
New Moon in Cancer, Moving out of Mercury Retrograde
We did our monthly New Moon Gathering tonight, and had some new people, which is always lovely. It was a powerful meditation for me. Here are some barebones notes about the current energies: New Moon in Cancer (water sign) – first lunar cycle of the summer (Mad Midsummer Moon) Intentions set now have the possibility…
The Importance of RSVPing
We all get busy. Life happens. Mercury Retrograde or Murphy’s Law can throw a monkey wrench into the best laid plans. We frequently think that our ability to show up (or not) for an event won’t affect anything. We even forget to let people know that our plans have changed (because, well, busy). You do…
Milestone Celebrations
Rituals, celebrations, and ceremonies are our form of formal observation of chapter shifts or milestones. There are all sorts of these milestones throughout a person’s life. Some are celebrated in our society, others are not. Births, new home, weddings, finishing school, coming of age, birthdays, deaths – these have customs and somewhat familiar rituals. Other…
A Forty Day Practice
As I was walking the labyrinth this morning, I was asked to create a very specific 40-day practice based on the paths I was traveling. I invite you to join me. Starting Monday, January 20th, I will be focusing on a different theme each day. If you have a local labyrinth, I invite you to…
My late father was intensely interested in how people thought. Not *what* they thought, but how. He would listen when you described someone, and compare that to his impression of them when he met them. He would ask me about my groups of friends, why they qualified for their grouping, and the characteristics of the…
The Gratitude Challenge
I caught myself being negative lately about some things that were going on in my personal life. It wasn’t pretty, I didn’t like it, and I wanted to change it. I didn’t want to be that person who is always complaining, and, more than that, I wanted to feel differently. So I’ve decided to write…
Midway-ish into the Shift
On June 20th, I started talking about a Shift we were approaching, and then again on July 6th. This Shift is like the one we underwent in December of 2012, but bigger or stronger (neither word is completely accurate). Like December, though, this is a paradigm shift. Every time we have one, from now on,…
On the Question of Privilege
priv·i·lege noun \ˈpriv-lij, ˈpri-və-\ Definition of PRIVILEGE : a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : prerogative; especially : such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office This concept has been coming into the collective consciousness more and more lately. White privilege, male privilege, straight…