That next shift I wrote about on June 30th is likely to crescendo this month, between the 17th and the 22nd. As i have mentioned before, grounding, shoring up your foundations, and practicing self care are of paramount importance. I have also mentioned in several places, I think, adding the following to your daily practice:…
Category: Channeling
My New Book Is Available for Download!
Faery Spiral, Library of Arcadia – Volume 1: Coming Home is now available for download! I’m very excited about this. On one hand, it’s a mostly channeled book from a set of beings from the Faery Realms that contacted me through a stone. On the other, it’s a how-to manual for reconnecting, with Nature, with…
Through the Worm Hole
I’ve been talking about how we’re going through a shift right now that is, in some ways, even more intense than the one we had last December. Today, I got one of those “data dumps” of information about it. I will try to unpack it for you. This is a mirror of the Winter Solstice…
Faery Meditation
I am working on a series of books on Faery. It’s a channeled piece, told to me by a stone. Long story. Anyway, I am offering you this beginning meditation from the book. With all of the solar storms and astrological events and energetic hoohaw going on, I thought it might help: Go out into…
Maintaining Peace in the Midst of Chaos
(from 2001) As we walk along the path of consciousness, we create situations for ourselves that help us to grow so that we do not become stagnant. This means that the more serenity you bring into your life, tho more important your soul finds it to test that serenity, to help you to exercise those…
When disaster strikes
From Spirit’s point of view, disaster is an opportunity for growth. I know this is very hard to bear in mind when faced with imagery of blood and terror, or when people you know leave this world suddenly. Spirit is not limited by what we perceive as limitations, Spirit does not see what we call…
Raccoon asked me this morning to create a cycle calendar. Basically, Raccoon tends to do things on a 20-week cycle, so that’s 4 quarters of 5 weeks each, with the energies of germination, growth, thriving, and harvest. Since I noticeably started a cycle on Friday, I used that as a starting point. I cross referenced…
Monthly Special for January
Tree of Life Internet Reading Great for annual readings to see where you are on your path, the Tree of Life reading is an in-depth reading that follows the Pattern on the Trestle Board, plus Da’at. Each position is listed, along with its Statement of Truth, the corresponding body part or chakra, the oracle draw,…
Preparing for 2013
2013 will be a year of change, transition, and results. Spend the last 2 months of the year clearing out the old – thought forms, habits, programs, as well as actual things that you keep just because they’re comfortable – so that you make room for all this new energy that’s coming in. Keep in…
October Newsletter
Samhain approaches All Souls Day Day of the Dead The veil thins The boundaries between this world and the next blur The final harvest is coming What is left in your garden? Are you prepared for the winter? Have you thought ahead? We are in the time of change Where have you put your energy?…
A channeled message
At the end of Psychic Protection class tonight, all this information started flowing out of me, after I’d turned off the recording, of course. I rushed home to try to capture some of it, to share it with a wider audience. This is what came out when I got home. With all of the astrological…
Prayer from the New Year’s Labyrinth Walk
(with thanks to Tirza from Be Embodied for the inspiration) I put down my burdens And I pick up joy I put down my fears And I pick up joy I put down my anger And I pick up joy I put down my suffering And I pick up joy I am joy Dripping down…