Sun, Moon, and Planets are all conspiring to help us be more effective. Here’s how.
Category: Channeling
The energies today
Solstice, full moon in Sagittarius, Neptune is retrograde. How *you* doin’?
An Opportunity for Releasing and Introspection
Mercury transit, solar wind, and Lumeralia combine on May 9th. Get quiet and go inward.
Weasels Borked My Hotrod
The veil will be thin for half a year. Yes, it’s an anomaly. Yes, it’s going to be full of weasels. Yes, the title of the post is a Ministry reference with some LHC thrown in for good measure.
Solar Activity Approaching an Eclipse
This week presents us with a stellar opportunity for change!
Honoring The Flow of Energy
Making sure you have balance in your life can be as simple as paying attention to the push and the pull of your energy.
If You Are Human, We Are All Human
Stop letting people and the media dehumanize people. Stop letting them dehumanize you by stoking your fears. Stand up for humanity.
Unity and Separation
Tis the season to look at the world differently
And More Solar Activity
Some concrete tools for weathering the latest round of solar activity.
Self Care is Really Important Right Now
We are having solar storms, we are in the prelude to Mercury Retrograde in Libra, and September is the most intense month of the year. Here are some tips and tricks for making it through with a modicum of grace.
Storytelling and Story Listening
Storytelling as a healing art, and how to listen.
All the Introspection Ever
I posted the other day about Venus Retrograde and how that’s affecting us. It’s just one piece of the puzzle though. * Saturn has been retrograde since mid-March, and will station direct at the beginning of August. * Pluto has been retrograde since mid-April. * Neptune and Chiron both went retrograde last month. * Uranus…