Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Your Mindset Affects Your Reality

This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time to examine all of your ideas about How Things Are. I say this for two reasons:   (1) They’re going to get louder, because they want to be released; and (2) The energy for releasing old, stuck ideas is optimal right now.   So give some thought…

Full Moon in Sagittarius

This has been one heck of a week, leading up to the full moon. Almost everyone I talk to has been uncomfortable, jangly, raw, irritable, overwhelmed. Grand issues of inequality are being highlighted everywhere. And then I read this, by an astrologer that I follow. I recommend reading it out loud to get the full…

Full Moon Time Change

A look at how astrology might affect the time change, and some observations about its contribution to the paradigm shift

Welcome to the Year of the Fire Rooster!

Just a short note about the current new moon and the Chinese New Year… The new moon , technically yesterday, is/was in Aquarius. As Aquarius, the water-bearer, was once Ganymede, the strongest intention one could set would be one that answers the question “How can I bring myself to the favorable attention of the gods?” Interpret…